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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 221

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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 221

..verzameld ter gelegenheid van haar honderddertigjarig bestaan op 20 oktober 2010 in opdracht van de Historische Commissie Vrije Universiteit

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

221 4 okt. 15 okt. 23 okt. 25 okt. 8 nov. 15 nov. 11 dec. 17 dec. 7 febr. 21 febr. 26 febr. 12 maart 12 maart 19 maart 28 maart 11 april 14 mei 16 mei 4 juni 6 juni 11 juni 20 juni 27 juni 12 sept. 17 sept. 26 sept. 1 okt. 8 okt.

Bracht, M.J. van, Made to Measure. Information Requirements and Groundwater Level Monitoring Networks Lud, D., Biotic responses to UV-B radiation in Antarctica Otten, M.F., Structure, function, and regulation of the respiratory network of Paracoccus denitrificans Bruijne, C.H. de, Denudation, Intraplate Tectonics and Far Field Effects. An integrated apatite fission track study in central Spain Brandwagt, B.F., Resistance of plants to the fungal pathogen Alternaria alternata F.SP. Lycopersici. Discovery of a novel type of plants disease resistance gene Griselin, M., Geochemical and Isotopic Study of the Xigaze and Luobusa Ophiolite Massifs (Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone, Southern Tibet). Implications for mantle partical melting and dynamic evolution of the Neo-Tethys Ocean Hoof, N.A.L.M. van, The role of metallothioneins and copper efflux in the mechanisms of copper tolerance in Silene vulgaris Dam, R.L. van, Causes of ground-penetrating radar reflections in sediment 2002 Shaldoum, F.M.A., A subtegumental cell factor of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae. Its role in initiating a cutaneous immune response and in parasite-host compatibility Wurff, A.W.G van der, Population genetic structure in Orchesella cincta (Collembola). Development & application of molecular markers Blits, B., Cell and Gene Therapy: Experimental Strategies for Spinal Cord Regeneration Fu, Bin., Fluid regime during high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the DabieSulu terranes, eastern China. A stable-isotope and fluid-inclusion study Molen, M.K. van der, Meteorological Impacts of Land Use Change in the Maritime Tropics Sarmiento-Rojas, L.F., Mesozoic rifting and cenozoic basin inversion history of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombian Andes. Inferences from tectonic models Doorn, J. van, The type IV fimbriae of Xanthomonas hyacinthi: characterization and application for detection of yellow disease in hyacinths Andeweg, B., Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Iberian peninsula. Causes and effects of changing stress fields Muskens, M.W.M., Characterisation of rnas associated with post-transcriptional silenceing of flower pigmentation genes in petunia hybrida Klaassen, L.J., Neuronal plasticity in the aging brain of the mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis Abadi, A.M., Tectonics of the Sirt Basin. Inferences from tectonic subsidence analysis, stress inversion and gravity modeling Campos Sepulveda, E.A., Metal origin and fluid evolution in the Zaldivar porphyry copper deposit, Chile. An orthomagmatic model Wijk, J.W. van, Passive margin formation: Tectonic modelling of pre- and synrift lithospheric controls Reda Tena, F., Striga hermonthica in Tigray (Northern Ethiopia). Prospects for control and improvement of crop productivity through mixed cropping Bruin, R.A.M. de, The role of NAC proteins in petunia development Brandt, B.W., Realistic Characterizations of Biodegradation Krave, Agna Sulis., Exploring Ecology Underground: Microbial Community Structure and Nitrogen Transformations in Tropical Soil Stroomberg, G.J., Pyrene metabolites in isopods (Crustacea) as biomarker for PAH exposure in terrestrial ecosystems Bosman, L.W.J., On the development of fast, inhibitory neurotransmission in the visual cortex Groen, J., The Effects of Transgressions and Regressions on Coastal and Offshore Groundwater

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26-8-2010 20:54:45

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's

Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 221

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's