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Jaarboek 1966 - pagina 129

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Jaarboek 1966 - pagina 129

1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten

C. MacLean en E. L. Mackor: T h e anisotropy of the chemical shift of the fluorine nucleus in CHFClj. Proceedings of the Physical Society 88 (1966), 341-349. N . H . Velthorst en G. J. Hoijtink: Protonation of aromatic hydrocarbon dinegative ions. A spectroscopic study. Journal American Chemical Society 8y (1965), 4529-4532. AFDELING



Prof. Dr. F. Bickelhaupt C. Blomberg, A . D . Vreugdenhil en P. V i n k : Internal reactions in the Grignard-complex containing compounds with alkoxy-groups. Part III. AUyl phenyl ether. Rec. Trav. Chim. 84, 1409 (1965). G. W . K l u m p p en F . Bickelhaupt: T h e chemistry of 7-substituted norbornadienes, y-cyanonorbornadiene and 7-carboxynorbornadiene. Tetrahedron Letters (London), 1966, 865-870. A . van Vulpen en J. Coops: A new distillation rate method for determining osmotic activity in dilute solutions, expecially of highly reactive solutes. Rec. Trav. Chim. <?/, 203 (1966). Prof. Dr. W. Th. Nauta K. H . Fleurke, J. de J o n g en W. T h . Nauta: Energy data on the carbon-carbon bond VII. Rec. trav. chim. 84 (1965), 1380-T385. H . Timmerman, R. F . Rekker en W. T h . Nauta: Synthesis and conformation of 2-alkyl-T-(ortho-alkyl)-phenylcyclohexanols. Rec. trav. chim. 84 (1965), 1348-1356. K. H . Fleurke en W . T h . Nauta: Energy data on the carbon-carbon bond VIII. Rec. trav. chim. 8j (1966), 86-92. T. Bultsma en W. T h . Nauta: T h e reaction of diphenyldiazomethane with /?-dimethylaminoethanol. Rec. trav. chim. 8; (1966), 485-488. J. Gootjes e n W . T h . Nauta: Derivatives of benzo-and indoloquinolizines I. Rec. trav. chim. j'^r (1965), 1183-1199. J. Gootjes en W. T h . Nauta: Derivatives of benzo- and indoloquinolizines I I . Rec. trav. chim. 84 (1965), 1427-1441. C. van der Stelt, A . Haasjes, H . M. Tersteege en W. T h . Nauta: Experiments in the 5 //-diben2o(a.d)cycloheptene series I I . Rec. trav. chim. 84 (1965), 1466-1477. G. J. B. Corts en W. T h . Nauta: Experiments in the 5 / / - d i b e n z o (a.d)cycloheptene series III. Rec. trav. chim. 8; (1966), 389-396. J. Gootjes, A . M. de Roos en W. T h . Nauta: Derivatives of benzoand indoloquinolizines III. 127

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1966

Jaarboeken | 168 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1966 - pagina 129

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1966

Jaarboeken | 168 Pagina's