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Jaarboek 1968 - pagina 74

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Jaarboek 1968 - pagina 74

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Subfaculteit der scheikunde AFDELING ANALYTISCHE CHEMIE B O S , P. en E . V A N D A L E N Constant-current chronopotentiometry with current reversal at a mercuryfilm electrode. I n : J. electroanal. chem., / / (1968), 21. B R I N K M A N , U. A. Th., G. D E V R I E S en E . V A N D A L E N The nature of some metal-chloro anions present in the organic phase in reversed-phase chromatography involving liquid anion-exchangers. I n : J. Chromatog., }i (1967), 182. B R I N K M A N , U. A. T h . Liquid anion-exchangers in analytical chemistry. Amsterdam, Van Soest, 1968. G E R R I T S M A , K. W. A.nalytisihe en farmaceutische Schotanus en Jens, 1967.

chemie; inaugurele



V R I E S , W. T. D E Potential-step electrolysis followed by linear-sweep voltametry at a plane mercury-film electrode. I n : J. electroanal. chem., 16 (1968), 295. Distortion of constant-current chronopotentiograms by double-layer charging. I n : J. electroanal. chem., ƒ7 (1968), 31. Correction of constant-current chronopotentiograms distorted by doublelayer charging. I n : J. electroanal. chem., /.? (1968), 469. Double-layer charging in constant-current chronopotentiometry at a mercuryfilm electrode. I n : J. electroanal. chem., i^ (1968), 41. Effect of double-layer charging in programmed-current chronopotentiometry. I n : J. electroanal. chem., /j? (1968), 55. I J S S E L I N G , F . P. en E. V A N D A L E N Potentiometric titrations with ion-exchanging membrane electrodes. II. I n : Anal. chim. acta, 40 (1968), 421. Potentiometric titrations with ion-exchanging membrane electordes. III. I n : Anal. chim. acta, 4^ (i968),|77. AFDELING ANORGANISCHE CHEMIE B A L T , S. Covalence effects in the spectrum of the tetrachloroferrate (III) I n : Ree. trav. chim., 86 {\<)(i-i), 1025.


B R E M A N , Ina W. en S. B A L T Ligand field interpretation of the visible spectrum of the tetrabromoferrate (III) anion. I n : Ree. trav. chim., Sj (1968), 349. B A L T , S. Intensities of d-d transitions in the tetrachloroferrate (III) anion. I n : Mol. physics, 14 (1968), 233. Mercury (II) oxide as a ligand; I. Addition compounds of the transition metal sulphates. I n : Z . anorg. allgem. chemie, ^j^ (1968), 326. 72

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1968

Jaarboeken | 136 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1968 - pagina 74

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1968

Jaarboeken | 136 Pagina's