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Jaarboek 1971 en 1972 - pagina 179

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Jaarboek 1971 en 1972 - pagina 179

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MEIJER, J. F. M., H. HERSTEL, W. Th. NAUTA en H. TIMMERMAN The occurence of N- and O-alkylation in the reaction of benzhydryl chloride with s-amino-ethanol. In: Pharm. Weekblad, io6{iQ-]i), blz. i. MORGENSTERN, A. P., C. SCHUYT en W. Th. NAUTA 6-Alkyl dirivatives of 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)alanine (Dopa) Part I. In: J. Chem. Soc. 1971, blz. 3706. NAUTA, W. TH. Tendenzen in de farmacochemie In: Chem. Weekbl. (jan. 1972). NOORDHOEK, J. Farmacokinetiek van Hexobarbital bij muizen. Diss. V.U., Rotterdam, Bronder offset, 1971, 100 blz. REKKER, R. F. en W. Th. NAUTA The effect of alkyl substitution in drugs. Part XXIII. The effect of alkyl substitution on the activity pattern of diphenhydramine: IR and NMR spectral data. In: Arzneim. Forsch., zo (1971), blz. 1572. Ultraviolet absorption spectra of some aromatic tricyclic ketones. In: Rec. Trav. Chim., 90 (1971), blz. 343. REKKER, R. F., H. TIMMERMAN, A. F. HARMS en W. THNAUTA The antihistaminic and anticholinergic activities of optically active diphenhydramine derivatives. The concept of complementarity. In: Arzneim. Forsch., 21 (1971), blz. 688. ROOS, A. M. DE, R. F. REKKER en W. TH. NAUTA The base strenth of substituted s-(diphenylmethoxy)-N,N-dimethylethytamines. In: Arzneim. Forsch., zo (1970), blz. 1763. Investigation into the stability of the ether bond in a series of benzhydryl ethers. Part IV. The rate of hydrolysis in an extended series of substituted 2-(diphenylmethoxy)-N,N-dimethylethylamines. In: Arzneim. Forsch., zi (1971), blz. 818. Investigation into the stability of the ether bond in a series of benzhydrylethers. In: Arzneim. Forsch. zi (1971), blz. 818. TIMMERMAN, H., R. F. REKKER en W. TH. NAUTA The effect of alkyl substitution in drugs. Part XXII. The antihistaminic and anticholinergic activity of a series of thio ether analogues of substituted diphenhydramines. In: Arzneim. Forsch., zo (1970), blz. 1258. TIMMERMAN, H. en W. TH. NAUTA The effect of alkyl substitution in drugs. Part XXIV. Pharmacological investigations on a series of z-(dimethylamino) ethyl ethers of substituted cyclohexanols. In: Arzneim. Forsch., zi (1971), blz. 993. 177

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1971

Jaarboeken | 360 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1971 en 1972 - pagina 179

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1971

Jaarboeken | 360 Pagina's