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Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 136

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Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 136

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E. Papaikonomou On the Philosophy of Feedback; VII International Congress on Cybernetics, Symp. Proc. VII Int. Congress on Cybernetics. Dynamic study of derivative control in the hy pothalmus pituitaryadrenal hormonal control system ; VII International Congress on Cybernetics, Symp. Proc. VII Int. Congress on Cybernetics. Evidence for derivative control in the rat pituitary-adrenal system. E. Papaikonomou en P. G. Smelik, Am. J. Physiol., vol. 227, (1974), biz. 137-143. Biocybernetics, Biosystems Analysis, and the Pituitary Adrenal System. Dissertatie, V.U. 1974. Dynamic Study and Modeling of Pituitary-Adrenal Elements, in „Regulation and Control in Physiological Systems", A. S. Iberall and A. C. Guyton eds.. Instrument Society of America inc., september 1973. P. G. Smelik Les Mécanismes du Retro-Controle des stéroides dans la function Hypophyso-Surrénalienne. Symp. on Neuroendocrinologie de l'axe corticotrope - ; in: Inserm, 22, (1973), blz. 3-20. Failure to Demonstrate a Fast Rate-Sensitive Feedback Action of Corticosteroids during Adrenocortical Activation; in: Acta endocr., suppl. 177, (1973), blz. 149. P. G. Smelik en E. Papaikonomou Steroid Feedback Mechanisms in Pituitary Adrenal Function, in Brain Research vol. 39, (1973), blz. 99-109. J. C. Stoof, A. H. Mulder en P. G. Smelik Release of dopamine from striatal slices by m-tyrosine and m-tyramine; in: Abstracts 15e Fed. Vergadering Nijmegen, (1974), blz. 344. / . C. Stoof en J. C. Koetsier Implicaties van de vorming van m-tyrosine uit dopa voor de ziekte van Parkinson. In Ned. Tschr. v. Geneesk., 118, nr. 23, (1974), blz. 900. F. J. H. Tilders Histofluorimetric studies on 5-HT in the pineal gland of the rat; in: Arch. Int. Phys. Biochim., 82, (1974), blz. 354-356. In vitro-demonstration of MSH release inhibiting action of dopaminergic fibres; in: Abstracts van Fifth Joint Meeting of the Dutch and British Soc. for Endocrinology, (1974), blz. 107. Histofluorimetric studies on 5-hydroxy-tryptamin in the pineal gland of the rat; in: Abstracts van Joint Meeting Ned. en Belg. Ver. voor Fysiologie en Farmacologie, 1973. F. J. H. Tilders, J. S. Ploem en P. G. Smelik Quantative microfluorimetric studies on Formaldehyde-induced fluorescence of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the pineal gland of the rat; in: J. Histochem. Cytochem. 22, (1974), blz. 967975138

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1973

Jaarboeken | 194 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 136

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1973

Jaarboeken | 194 Pagina's