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Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 171

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Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 171

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G. J. den Otter, C. MacLean, C. W. Haigh en S. Sykes Theoretical and experimental determination of the indirect nuclear magnetic fluorine-fluorine coupling anisotropy in trans-difluoroethene; in: Journal of the Chemical Society - Chemical Communications, (1974), biz. 24. G. Somsen Problemen van oplossingen; Openbare les, V.U. Amsterdam, 1973. C. de Visser Structural effects on dissolution. A thermochemical study of some i-i electrolytes in several solvents; proefschrift V.U. Amsterdam, 1973. C. de Visser en G. Somsen Enthalpies of solution of tetra-n-butylammonium bromide in binary mixtures of water, formamide, N-methylformamide and N,N-dimethylformamide; in: J. Sol. Chem., 3, (1974), biz. 847. C de Visser en G. Somsen Hydrophobic interactions in mixtures of N,N-dimethylformamide and water. Model calculations and enthalpies of solution; in: J. Phys. Chem., 78, (1974), biz. 1719. H. Vos, J. Wiersma en J. M. Los On the correlation between interfacial tension and differential capacitance; in: J. Electroanal. Chem., 52, (1974), biz. 27. H. W. Vos, Y. W. Bakker, C. MacLean and N. H. Velthorst Paramagnetic Ring Currents in the Carbanion of Dibenzocycloheptene and the Nitranion of Dibenzoazepine; in: Chemical Physics Letters, 25, (1974), biz. 80. H. W. Vos, Y. W. Bakker, C. MacLean en N. H. Velthorst The N M R spectra of the Carbanions of Xanthene and Thioxanthene. Evidence for Paratropism; in: Organic Magnetic Resonance, 6, (1974), biz. 245. Organische chemie / . L. van der Baan en F. Bickelhaiipt The Knoevenagel Reaction of Malononitrile with some cyclic 3-keto-esters II. Mechanism of Formation of Heterocyclic Reaction Products; in: Tetrahedron, 30, (1974), biz. 2447. F. Bickelhaupt en G. L. van Mourik The equilibrium acidity of a 9, lo-dihydrosilaanthracene. On the degree of aromaticity of a system with tctracoordinate silicon; in: J. Organometal. Chem., 67, (1974), biz. 389. C. Blomberg Magnesium, Annual Survey covering the year 1972; in: J. Organometal. Chem., 68, (1974), biz. 69-219.


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1973

Jaarboeken | 194 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 171

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1973

Jaarboeken | 194 Pagina's