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Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 211

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Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 211

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Dr. E. Veltkamp, P. van den Elzen and drs. A. R. Stuitje Isolation and characterization of in vitro constructed deletion mutants of the Clo D F 13 plasmid; Abstr. Ninth Meeting of the North West European Microbiological Group, Amsterdam, (1977), p . 72. Drs. H. W. van Verseveld, Drs. E. M. Meyer and Prof. dr. A. H. Stouthamer Energy conservation during nitrate respiration in Paracoccus denitrificans; in: Arch. Microbiol. 112 (1977), pp. 17-23Dr. W. de Vries, Prof. dr. M. I. H. Aleem, A. Hemrika-Wagner and Prof. dr. A. H. Stouthamer The fuctioning of cytochrome b in the electron transport to fumarate in Propionibacterium freudenreichii and Propionibacterium pentosaceum; in: Arch. Microbiol. 112 (1977), pp. 271-276. Dr. J. de Vries, Drs. C. N. Verboom, A. Bast, H. Pieterse and Prof. dr. A. H. Stouthamer. Contamination of rat urine with gut flora using all-glas metabolism cages for collection of urine and faeces; in: Xenobiotica 7 (1977), pp. j 17-520.

Vakgroep diersystematiek en zoögeographie Dr. E. Nieboer and M. van der Paardt Boekbespreking: Hearing of the African Woodowl (Strix woodfordii); in: Netherlands Journal of Zoology 27 (2), (1977), pp. 227-229.

Vakgroep oecologie Drs. Ph. Bossenbroek, Dr. A. Kessler, Dr. Ir. A. S. N. Liem and Prof. dr. L. Vlijm An experimental analysis of the significance of tuft-structures as a shelter for invertebrate fauna with respect to wind velocity and temperature; in: J. Zool Lond. 182, (1977)' PP- 7-i6. The significance of growth-forms as „shelter" for terrestrial animals; in: J. Zool, Lond. 182, (1977), pp. 1-6. Prof dr. W. H. O. Ernst ökologische Grenze zwischen Violetum calaminariae und Gentiano-Koelerietum; in: Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 89 (1976), pp. 381-390. Physiological and biochemical aspects of metal tolerance; in: Proc. Int. Conf. Heavy Metal in the Environment, Toronto, 2 (1977), Toronto Univ. Press, pp. 121-136. Chemical soil factors determing plant growth; in: Abstracts. Int. Symp. A Synthesis of Demographic and Experimental Approaches to the Functioning of Plants, Wageningen, (1977), pp. l o - i i . 211

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

Jaarboeken | 270 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 211

Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

Jaarboeken | 270 Pagina's