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VU Magazine 1976 - pagina 134

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VU Magazine 1976 - pagina 134

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as your introduction to The English Book Club F O R



i n The Shell uideto






248 Fifty Great Horror Stories. Hair-raising happenmgs which can never be explained. Usual price f,17.50

292 Watership Down by Richard Adams. An enihralling saga of the rabbit world. Usual pricef.27,--

655 Yesterday's Spy by Len Deighton plus Circus by Alistair Maclean. Counts as one choice. Usual price f,39,95

592 Classic Fairy Tales — as they first appeared in English, Lavishly illustrated, Usualpricef,39,50

117 Shakespeare: The Complete Works. In two volumes. Over 1400 pages. Counts as one choice. Special Club Edition.

017 The Eagle Has Landed by Jack Higgins plus The Great Train Robbery by Michael Crichton, Usual puce f.44,85


775 Vintage Thurber. Two volumes with 200 hilarious stories. Usual price f,55,

004 C u r t a i n : P o i r o t ' s Last Case by Agaiha Christie. Written at her peak in the 1940s, Usual price t,21, —-

831 Longman's Companion to 20th Century Literature. Very comprehensive. Usual price f,37,-

276 Rise it Fall of the 3rd Reich. Wm. Shirer's classic history of Hitler's Germany Usual price f.34,80

100 The Shell Book of 324 The World at War. Firsts. Thousands of fas- Vivid, world-ranging study cinating facts on all sorts of World War II, Top of of subjects. Britain's bestseller lists. Usual price f,31 ,Usual price f,21 ,-

122 Shell Guide to England. Details of every village worth visiting, and why. 900 pages. Usual price f.31,-

453 G r e a t Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities. Two of Dickens' finest novels. Special Club Edition.

The English Book Club, Leidsestraat 52, Amsterdam-C. Your guarantee The English Book Club is the Dutch subsidiary of the largest booksellers in Britain and has its o w n headquarters in Holland at Leidsestraat 52, Amsterdam - C, where our books can be seen and where our Dutch staff will deal with any enquiries from members. (Tel: 020-63237). 120 Jane Eyre/ Wuthering Heights. Two great classic English novels in matching bindings. Special Club Edition.

463 Concise Oxford Dictionary. Latest edition of this worldfamous book, 1584 pages, Usual price f.1 9,50

307 A m o n g the Elephants. A young couple's life among wild elephants. Magnificent photos. Usual price f.27,-

981 Lives of the Kings & Queens of England. Introduced by Lady Antonia Eraser. Usual price f,33,50

018 Lord of t h e Far Island by Victoria Holt plus Realms of Gold by Margaret Drabble, Usual price f.47.

Your only c o m m i t m e n t is to take one book each quarter during a year's membership, from nearly 200 titles offered in the year. After which you may cancel your membership if you wish.

*Usualprice - the normal bookshop price in Holland.

Worth up to f.186r at shop prices. Join the English Bool< Club and you get your favourite English and American reading posted to you direct from England at well below shop prices. Four times a year we send you a free copy of our magazine 'Bookshop'. It is packed with descriptions of about 50 bestselling books, both fiction and non-fiction, current novels and classics. All are full-length, hardcover editions - but they cost you about 25% less than you w o u l d pay in Holland. All w e ask is that for one year you choose just one book every three months, (That's a total of 4 books from about 200 offered. Most members take far more I) As your introduction, take any four of the books shown here, all for only f.10,-. Then, if you like them, become a member and

enjoy the best of reading in English - at the lowest prices.

Bestsellers (and Classics) Coming Your W a y . . . Read all about them, and many more titles, in 'Bookshop' the Club's quarterly review which is sent free to members. The Golden Gate by Alistair Maclean Ragtime by E. L. Doctorow London: A Concise History Short Novels of John Steinbeck

Club price Usual price f.24,20 f.17,50 f.16,-






P O S T FREE - N O S T A M P N E E D E D T h e English Book C l u b , Antwoordnummer 8234, Amsterdam. I am interested in joining the English Book Club and would like you to send me the FOUR introductory books whose numbers I have printed in the boxes alongside. If 1 decide to l<eep the books and thereby become a member, I will pay you f.1 0,- (including postage). Then, during my first year's membership, I will take one book each quarter from the titles described in advance in the free quarterly review, 'Bookshop', and offered at about 25% below the usual bookshop prices in Holland, After one year's membership I may resign if i wish. If 1 do not wish to keep the introductory books, I may return them within 1 0 days and owe nothing.





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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

VU-Magazine | 487 Pagina's

VU Magazine 1976 - pagina 134

Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

VU-Magazine | 487 Pagina's