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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 15

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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 15

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten


Mei/iodisi Bevieuo. sallus no)i facif''

—"nature takes no

also, everytliirif^ that




here, also,

phenomena, are denied







explained by a preceding ap-


with spiritual and


real differences of kind, together

with independence of origin, and every deeper distinction of

by itself, as well as between the two and hence, as a mat'er of fact, ever}' line which marks a boundary is wiped out, and every boundary post which divides tlio jurisdiction is leveled to the ground. Yon Ilartman did not exaggerate when he said that "for our times the Desccndenz-lheorie is unconditii)nally correct, and is steadily gaining ground amid the spiritual tempest;" or, as an English writer expressed it, "Science amongst us is at it;5 highbeing, in either pphere

spheres mutually







orders of


conditioned modes of one kind of uniformity."

win himself conceded that

his selection theory

as dilTerently

Though Darwas


to explain the moi-phological differences of species, the evolu-

tion tlieory

was therefore not dismisicd.

That which was ex-

plained by Darwin mechanically could likewise be interpreted dynamically^ and even

if need be telculogically, as a spontacosmos whicli received its impulse from the first gorm, whose motive starts from the telcological idea which dominates the entire process. One may thci'efore be a Darwinist, and with Darwin bend the knee reverently before a " God," for surely God created this "force" which potentially included the entire cosmos within itself; or it was he who determined for tl^j cosmos the aim of ito development proccss. This system is so pliable that more than one Ilerbartian, in spite of his own jjrinciple, is found to side witli Darwinism. This would not be difficult to underotand if Darwin, with the help of the fossil discoveries, had succeeded in laying before us the steps of transition in specimens fro:n the plant to man, all which would fit into each other as links of a chain. Hut this is not so. And it is not merely the search after the missing link but even if wc go back a period of three hundred thousand years, for which it ii claimed there is ccrtiin j)roof, traces of species arc found in the fossil world which are now extinct, and also deviating forms. But the skeletons of t'.ie still existing species arc strikingly analogous to the skeljtons of our animals. In simple honesty, therefore, Darwin acknowledges that the


])rocess in the


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's

Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 15

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's