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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 250

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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 250

..verzameld ter gelegenheid van haar honderddertigjarig bestaan op 20 oktober 2010 in opdracht van de Historische Commissie Vrije Universiteit

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

250 17 dec.

30 jan. 20 maart 2 sept. 9 sept. 9 okt. 7 nov.

18 nov.

22 jan. 29 jan. 3 juni 7 sept. 14 okt. 16 dec.

27 juni 7 okt. 6 dec. 16 dec. 22 dec.

7 juni 8 nov. 23 nov. 1 dec. 12 dec.

promoties sociale wetenschappen 2002-2008

Silva, D.A.C., Sustainable Tourism Development in Sri Lanka. An appraisal of the International Inbound Tourism Demand, the Tourism Industry and National Tourism Policy 2003 Desai, P.A., Institutional dimensions of program planning and implementation. Three cases of slum upgradation programs in Mumbai, India Ybema, S.B., De koers van de krant. Vertogen over identiteit bij Trouw en de Volkskrant Schelhaas, H., Liberalisering in de landbouw. Mogelijkheden en grenzen Boswell-Laville, M.J.R., Le Malaise Creole: A Critical Study of Ethnic Identity in Mauritius Aartsen, M.J., On the interrelationship between cognitive and social functioning in older age Vriend, W.H., Smoky Fires. The Merits of Development Co-operation for Inculturation of Health Improvements; an Integral Medical Study about the Cultural Pressures on Chronic Airflow Limitations of and a Graceful Approach towards the Highlanders of Papua (Indonesia) Schukkink, A.J., De Suryoye: een verborgen gemeenschap. Een historisch-antropologische studie van een Enschedese vluchtelingengemeenschap afkomstig uit het Midden-Oosten 2004 Terhell, E.L., Changes in the personal network after divorce Vergunst, N.P., The institutional dynamics of consensus and conflict. Consensus democracy, corporatism and socio-economic policy-making and performance in twenty developed democracies (1965-1998) Sion, L., Changing from Green to Blue Beret: a Tale of Two Dutch Peacekeeping Units Companjen, F.J., Between Tradition and Modernity. Rethinking roles of NGO leaders in Georgia’s transition to democracy Bleijenbergh, I.L., Citizens who care. European social citizenship in EU-debates on childcare and part-time work Meijer, M.M., Does Success Breed Succes? Effects of news and advertising on corporate reputation 2005 Woldendorp, J.J., The Polder Model: From Disease to Miracle? Dutch Neo-corporatism 1965 - 2000 Kanapathipillai, V., Repatriation or Deportation? Nation Building, Citizenship and the Indian Tamil Estate Workers in Sri Lanka after Independence Ongena, Y.P., Interviewer and Respondent Interaction in Survey Interviews Lamboo, M.E.D., Integriteitsbeleid van de Nederlandse politie Prud’homme van Reine, P.R., The synergy masquerade versus the battle for identities. Processes of culture, identity and power in international mergers & acquisitions 2006 Aalberts-Meeuwsen, T.E., Politics of Sovereignty Zwart, E., In Pursuit of Comfort. The Transnationalisation Process of Malaysian Chinese Small and Medium Enterprises Haenen, H.J., Afrikaans denken: ontmoeting, dialoog en frictie. Een filosofisch onderzoek Claver, A., Commerce and capital in colonial Java. Trade finance and commercial relations between Europeans and Chinese, 1820s-1942 Pas, S. van der, Intergenerational relationships of older adults. Family structure, contact and norms

04 Promoties 10 SCW.indd 250

26-8-2010 20:55:16

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's

Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 250

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's