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Jaarboek 1968 - pagina 75

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Jaarboek 1968 - pagina 75

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R O S , P., A. V A N D E R A V O I R D en G. C. A. S C H U I T Molecular Orbital Calculations in Copperchloride Complexes. , I n : Coord, chem. rev., 2 (1967), 77. R O S , P., D . E . E L L I S en A. J. F R E E M A N Crystal Field Potential and the optical splitting of Transition Metal Ions, in „Optical Properties fo ions in crystals" Croswhite-Moos ed. Interscience, (1967), 231. S C H A C H T S C H N E I D E R , J. H., R. P R I N S , P. ROS Molecular Orbital Calculations on l^anadocene. Ferrocene and Nickelocene, I n : Inorg. chim. acta, / (1967), 462. ROS, P. Resultaten van enige molecular orbital berekeningen aan anorganische systemen. I n : Chem. weekblad, 6} (1967), 381. C O S S E E , P., P. R O S , en J. M. S C H A C H T S C H N E I D E R Molecular Orbital calculations on the propagation step in Ziegler Natta Polymeri'^^ations. I n : Fourth Intern. Congress on Vatalysis, Moskou (1968), Preprint 14. AFDELING BIOCHEMIE D I J K - S A L K I N O J A , M . S . V A N en R. J . P L A N T A The physiological role of the subribosomal particles in Bacillus licheniformis. In: Abstracts 5th Meeting Federation of european biochemical societies. Praag (7968), biz. 126 (nr. 501). P L A N T A , R. J. Investigation of the ribosomal RNA sites in yeast DNA.. I n : Prog. E M B O Conf. Structure and function of ribosomes, Kitzbühel, (1968). R E T E L en R. J. P L A N T A Ribosomal precursor RNA in Saccharomyces carlsbergensis. I n : E u r o p . J. biochem., } (1967), biz. 248-259. S T O U T H A M E R , A. H., C. B E T T E N H A U S E N , J. V A N H A R T I N G S V E L D , J. V A N ' T R I E T en R. J. P L A N T A Nitrate reduction in Aerobacter aerogenes. III. Nitrate reduction, chlorate resistance and formate metabolism in mutant strains. I n : Arch, mikrobiol., / f (1967), biz. 228-247. AFDELING ORGANISCHE CHEMIE A K K E R M A N , O . S. Optical activity of symmetrically substituted acetic acids; Part II. T h e synthesis of alkyl-substituted diphenylacetic acids. I n : Rec. trav. chim., 86 (1967), 1018-1024. A simple device for the cleaning and drying of NMR I n : Chemistry and industry, (1968), 683.

sample tubes.

B I C K E L H A U P T , F. en J. W. F. K. B A R N I C K Preparation and Some Properties of Trimethylaminemethylenetriphenylborane. I n : Rec. trav. chim., 8y (1968), i88.


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1968

Jaarboeken | 136 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1968 - pagina 75

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1968

Jaarboeken | 136 Pagina's