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Jaarboek 1975-1976 - pagina 199

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Jaarboek 1975-1976 - pagina 199

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H. W. Vos, C. MacLean and N. H. Velthorst Ion-pair formation of the carbanions of xanthene and thioxanthene by their absorption .md fluorescence spectra. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions II, 72 (1976), 1636. y. Biemond, C. MacLean and M. Mandel On the theory of the alignment of a polar molecule in a non-polar solvent. Physica, S3A (1976), 358. Vakgroep organische chemie Or. C. Blomberg Magnesium, Annual Survey covering the year 1974. J. Organometal. Chem. 106 (1976), p p . 1-115.

Dr. C. Blomberg Magnesium, Kapittel 7, in Methodicum Chimicum; Hauptgruppenelemente und deren Verbindungen. Editors H. Zimmer and K. Niedenzu. Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart/ Academic Press New York. San Francisco. London (1976), pp. 79-96. Drs. B. J. Schaart, Dr. H. W. H. J. Bodewitz, Dr. C. Blomberg and Prof. dr. F. Bickelhaupt On the Origin of C I D N P Observed During the Grignand Formation Reaction. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 98 (1976), 3712. Drs. E. Boerhorst, R. F. Schmitz, Dr. G. W. Klumpp Alkyl bromide-organolithium interactions of isomeric 7-methoxy-2-norbornyl systems. Large rate effects by intramolecular coordination. Tetrahedron Letters (1975). 3347. Drs. E. Boerhorst, Dr. G. W. Klumpp The addition of hydrogen bromide to syn-7-methoxy [2.2.1] hept-2-ene. Rec. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 95 (1976). 50. Dr. G. W. Klumpp, Drs. H. Bos, Dr. M. Schakel, R. F. Schmitz, J. J. Vrielink Vinyl acetates from vinyl bromides. Tetrahedron Letters (1975), 3429. Drs. P. M. Kwantes, Dr. G. W. Klumpp Homo-i,4-addition of dichlorocarbene and dibromocarbene to norbornadienes Tetrahedron Letters (1976). 707. Werkgroep



Dr. J. Japenga Thermische 1,3-C-verhuizingen in bicyclo[3.2.i]octa-2,6-dienes en verwante verbindingen. Dissertatie V.U., 1976. Drs. C. Jongsma, R. Lourens, Prof. dr. F. Bickelhaupt Thermal and electronimpact induced 1,4 arylmigration from phophorus to carbon. Tetrahedron 32 (197Ó), 121. 197

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 januari 1975

Jaarboeken | 252 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1975-1976 - pagina 199

Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 januari 1975

Jaarboeken | 252 Pagina's