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Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 208

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Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 208

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On the parsing and covering of simple chain grammars; Informatica rapport nr. 24, Wislcundig Seminarium der V.U., 1977, 16 pp.. From left-regular to Greibach normal form grammars; Informatica rapport nr. 31, Wiskundig Seminarium der V.U., 1978, 11 pp. G r a m m a r functors and covers: F r o m non-left-recursive to Greibach normal form grammars; Informatica rapport nr. 35, Wiskundig Seminarium der V.U., 1978, 19 pp. On the parsing and covering of simple chain grammars; in: Automata, Languages and Programming, Berlin, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 62, 1978, pp. 330-344. Structure preserving transformations on non-left-recursive grammars; Informatica rapport nr. 39, Wiskundig Seminarium der V.U., 1978, 40 pp. Cover results and normal torms; in: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Berlin, Springer, Lectures Notes in Computer Science 53, 1977, pp. 420-429. Prof. dr. R. P. van de Riet Datastrukturen, van konkreet tot abstrakt; Informatica 20, nr. 2 (1978), pp. 84-94. The Little Language Project; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Report, 1978. Drs. J. W. Stevenson Design of a Computer Network: The communication Subnet; Informatica nr. 30, Wiskundig Seminarium der V.U., 1978.


Dr. A. S. Tanenbaum Implications of Structured Programming for Machine Architecture; in: Communications of the ACM 21 (1978), pp. 237-246. Dr. F. Teer Formula Manipulation in PASCAL using SAC-i; Informatica rapport nr. 2 j , Wiskundig Seminarium der V.U., 1977. A Polynomial Manipulation Program in ALGOL-68; Informatica rapport nr. 28, Wiskundig Seminarium der V.U., 1978. Formula Manipulation and PASCAL; proefschrift, Meppel, Krips Repro, 1978, 128 pp. An experiment with formula manipulation programming in ALGOL-é8: SIAM 1978 Spring Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, 1978. Formula Pascal; SIAM 1978 Spring Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, 1978. Drs. R. A. C. Thomas A commentary on storage structures and access method of the data base system Ingres-5.1.; Informatica rapport nr. 32, Wiskundig Seminarium der V.U., 1978. A commentary on storage structures and access method of the data base system Ingres-j.i.; in: Ecola de ITRIA, L'implementation des S.G.B.D. relationnels, 1978. Dr. G. Yuval YET another software profile; in: Software Practice and Experience, 8 (1978), pp. 495-496. 206

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1977

Jaarboeken | 296 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 208

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1977

Jaarboeken | 296 Pagina's