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Jaarboek 1983-1984 - pagina 68

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Jaarboek 1983-1984 - pagina 68

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LITERATUUR Aron, R. (1968), Progress and Disillusion. London: Pall Mall Press. Etzioni, A. (1961), A Comparative Analysis of Complex Organisations. New York: Free Press. Goldthorpe, J.H. c.s. (1968), The Affluent Worker: Industrial Attitudes and Behaviour. Cambridge University Press. Misumi, J. (1983), Meaning of Working Life. Fukuoka: Tenjin Chuo-Ku. MOW International Research Team (1981), The meaning of working. In; Dlugos, G. & Weiermair, K. (eds.): Management under Differing Value Systems: Political, Social and Economical Perspectives in a Changing World. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter. Osgood, C.E. (1964), Semantic differential technique in the comparative study of cultures. American Anthropologist, 66, 171-200. Parker, S.R. & Smith, M.A. (1976), Work and leisure. In: Dubin, R.: Handbook of Work, Organization and Society. Chicago: Rand McNally. Thierry, Hk. (1981), Beloning van de arbeid. In: Drenth, P.J.D., Thierry, Hk., Willems, P.J. & de Wolff, Ch.J. Handboek Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie. Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus. Toffler, A. (1980), The Third Wave. London: Collins Sons. Triandis, H.C. (1973), Work and non-work; intercultural perspectives. In: Dunette, M.D. Work and Non-work in the Year 2001. Belmont: Wadsworth. Warr, P.B. (1983), Werk en werkeloosheid. In: Drenth, P.J.D., Thierry, Hk., Willems, P.J. & de Wolff, Ch.J. Handboek Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie. Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus.


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1983

Jaarboeken | 126 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1983-1984 - pagina 68

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1983

Jaarboeken | 126 Pagina's