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Bekijk het origineel

Jaarboek 1989-1990 - pagina 152

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Jaarboek 1989-1990 - pagina 152

1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten

SCHEIKUNDE 25-10-89 Eikema Hommes van, N.J.R.

1,2-Dilithioethaan en derivaten van dilithiomethaan

02-11-89 Ruiter de, C.

Pre ane postcolomn fluorescence derivatization in HPLC (Ironpair extraction, phasetransfer catalysis and photochemistry)

17-11-89 Zwart de, M.A.H.

Synthesis and Copper-Dependent Antimycoplasmal Activity of 3-(2-Pyridyl)isoquinoline and 1,10-Phenanthroline Derivatives

19-12-89 Herruer, M.H.

Regulation of ribosomal protein gene expression in yeast

21-12-89 Haenen, G.R.M.M.

Thiols in oxidative stress some implications for catecholamine toxicity

18-01-90 Does van der, Th.

An investigation on the propertjes of phosphaalkenes and analogous imines

14-03-90 Veltkamp, A.C.

Optimization of flowthrough radioactivity detection in highperformance liquid chromatography

22-03-90 Musters, W.

Mutational analysis of yeast ribosomal DNA

29-03-90 Aerts, M.M.L.

Residues of veterinary drugs in edible Products

30-03-90 Markies, P.R.

Coordination modes of organomagnesium compounds: synthesis, structures and reactions

24-04-90 mw. Santos Lopes, M.T.

A novel ribosomal DNA vector for high expression of heterologous genes in yeast

26-04-90 Linssen, M.J.H.

Animal models for the selection of antiinflammatory compounds for the treatment of bronchial hyperreactivity in asthma


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1989

Jaarboeken | 161 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1989-1990 - pagina 152

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1989

Jaarboeken | 161 Pagina's