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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 35

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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 35

1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Methodist lievieic.

any one thing is able to than we luis battled for that, in spite of such illtlie surprising fact it is our people but has grown strength has not waned, resistance, our directed tliis






8tren<rtlien our faith that



intensely stronger.


have notliing to say of the doctrinaire. God be praised echoes have died away of the hollow phrases whereby self-sulKciency deemed itself able to vanquish a Strauss, to !

tlie last


Xuenen out of the fight. These were the scoffing bulletins of the princeling who gathered bullets at Wissembourg, the boastful call of men utterly ignorant of the enemy, both in his earnestness and in the strength of And, as it always lia])pen8 with the boastful his weapons. pride of cowards, of the ten who protested then so loudly perhaps eight now appear among the leaders in infidelity. No, when we consider what resistance has been offered we refer not to that ineffectual skirmishing, but rather to the earnest threefold effort put forth to save the threatened ]iosition, whereby men gathered under the banner of the apologist, the compromiser, or the amphibian. Apologetics have first been tried. As often as the outworks were attacked the defenders of Christian truth hastened to the breach to answer each shot from the enemy with a ball from their own cannon. AYliercver the enemy showed himself they disarm a Darwin, and to drive a


crept after him in trenches.

ing heads they

often repulsed with bleed-

held firm, and, with a sturdy patience


which compels' respect, lance crossed lance, dagger sharpened dagger, and blow followed blow. But, in spite of this defense, they gained nothing for on the heels of one host of objections, winch were upheld for a moment at the most, another army of still heavier critical grievances loomed uj) at once. Meanwhile ;

enemy to prescribe the plan of campaign, consequence into hopeless confusion, and in the end

they permitted the fell


were cut





basis of operation.

table course of that apologetic resistance is well tic militia



against a Prussian guard.

the endless series of concessions, lost the fire of his

eye and


The lamen-



A rushenco

at length the bravest

hero courage from his weary heart in till

the grief of disai>p(>intment.


wonder, therefore,

that, in

view of

this sad spectacle,


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's

Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 35

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's