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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 32

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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 32

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PanifieisirCs Destruction of Boundaries.

This has been accomplished. Von Stahl confines absolute riglit within the boundaries of our human economy, and does not see ]io\v it has its primordial rise in religion, and how all ethical right is rooted in this rehgiuus right of God over his creature. All this

the result of Kant's partially correct endeavor to



terpret right as the shield of liberty, or of Fichte's effort to assign its rise to


the struggle between the double ego.


put down as a morality of a lower order. According to Ihering it is born from an " end-impulse of society." In Darwin fashion it is reconstructed by others as the mechanical


it is

product of historic and external factors


while the later Herbart-

which the seaman pours upon But, the seething waves for the salvation of ship and crew.

ians perceive

as the cruse of oil


endless as these representations of the oi'igin of right

the idea







it is



only by the State, as

the instrument of society, that absolute right receives its sanction. It is too bad that, with the exception of Von Stahl, none of these


hold to the immutability of State authority. The is swayed now by one party and again by

scepter of authority

Napoleon is superseded by Bourbon, Bourbon overcome by Orleans and in this wise is formed the series of those who make themselves master in turn of authority in the State,



because for a the State stronger


they are the stronger,

lie therefore rules

who actually gets the power in hand and in this one who establishes right and law, the right of the ;

stronger triumphs, not merely de facto, but likewise in theory. And by this the boundary falls away which separates the au-

powers ordained of God, from the people, who, by the same God, are appointed to be subject unto them. Both thorities, as the

The State takes are dissolved in the one all-sufficient State. the place of God. The State becomes the highest power, and the fountain head also of right. The higher powers exist no longer for the sake of sin ; but a State is the highest ideal of human society a State, before whose apotheosis every knee

must bow, by whose grace alone we live, and to whose word all must be subject. And when in this wise the boundaries are destroyed between the authorities and the people, between the authorities and Ilim whoso servant they are, and consequently between right as a divine ordiiumce and right as a magisterial command, nothing remains but the one single State, making

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's

Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 32

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's