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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 16

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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 16

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Pantheism's Destruction of Boundaries. proof is far from coin|>leto, tliat it is still incomplete inTi^ domain of nature and let us add that for spiritual purposes it tinds no supjiort for a single point. J>ut says he repeatedly, ;

"This, therefore, shakes not It follows, therefore, that



faith in the evolution theory."

are not dealing with a comj)ulsory

theorem, which has beeuconclusively demonstrated, but with an Avhicli is supported by a most defective induction,


whose general

ap])lause takes root not in inco'.itestable facts, and complete proof, but in a general mood of spirits since Darwin's theory ])laces before our learned and civilized


less in


public a solution of the world problem which responds to


most secret sympathies. of our age

and that



if it is



that the keynote

in the evolution theory there

appears one of the richest thoughts of pantheism, namely, that of the ever-continuing process, in its most attractive form, is tlien the assertion too bold,

that in the Descendenz-theorie

f :>und, as its chief motive, the impulsive force of

Or, to probe the real motive deeper




in the evolution

even as in pantheism, hides the desire of the -human heart to rid itself of God. In spite of his iiractische Ytrnunft it was this desire which actuated Kant, of whom Baader correctly wrote "The fiuidaniental error of his philosophy is that man is autonomous and spontaneous, as if he possessed reason of himself for it transforms man to a god, and so becomes panAnd Feuerbach uttered merely the consequence of theistic." this system whon ho said, "God was my iirst thought, reason ray second, and man my third and last thought. The subject tlieoiT,



of the


man;" and by


reason, but


subject of

the reason


these words he likewise expressed the deepest

thought of our age.

Buchner, himself an avowed


frankly declares that, even more than that of Lamarck, Darwin's theory opinion.


purely atheistic

For what advantage


and we heartily agree with is it



the law of causality without a break back to the

nebula and



when behind this cell or germ the inof a creative God still demands our recognition, our thiid<ing we strike upon the very rock to


explicable act


trace the course of

or germ,

and with all evade which the whole theory M'as invented ? If it be true, therefore, that the Moses der modernen Freigeister, as Feuerbach calls Spinoza, lias not led us into the promised land of 35



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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's

Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 16

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's