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To be near unto God - pagina 615

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To be near unto God - pagina 615

1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten

intends, is thirst in the heart itself, which the blood of the soul cries after God,


Zion is not your prayer cell. Zion is not your church building. Zion is not even your Christian association. What Israel found on Zion symbolically is for us reality in Christ; in your Vindicator and King, himself God, to whom be glory both now and forever, Amen.

He who

redeemed is in Christ, and Christ is living member he has wonderfully been incorporated in the mystical body of Christ. His

in him.



regenerated nature has most intimately become one with Christ, and in this mystical life with Christ alone, the heart that thirsts after God, drinks in the life from God, And therefor "'to be near unto God, *'yea. the drinking in of the life of God with all the passion, all the thirst of our soul, is not bound for us to any place, to no presence of others, to no day, to no altar and to no priest. Every place, wheresoever, can at any moment become a Zion to us. It but depends on this


alone there



is approached in him in access, and who ever iiveth intercession for us (Hebr. 7:25).

one thing: that




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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1918

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 620 Pagina's

To be near unto God - pagina 615

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1918

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 620 Pagina's