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Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 138

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Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 138

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N. Westerhof, G. Elzinga en G. C. van den Bos Influence of central and peripheral changes on the hydraulic input impedance of the systemic arterial tree; in: Med. and Biol. Engng., i i , (1973), biz. 710-723. Heelkunde G. den Otter Experiences with Gastrectomy and Truncal Vagotomy J. Abd. Surg. 15, (1974), biz. 34. / . W. Merkelbach Mede namens Dr. J. G. Thijs Ervaringen met strumectomiƫn, Ned. Tschr. v. Geneesk., 118, (1974), biz. 1822. / . C. Molenaar en S. G. Looijen Wind sock web of the Duodenum, Ztschr. fur Kinderchirurgie, 14, (1974), biz. 164. Kennith J. Welch en Anton Vos Surgical correction of Tectus Carinatum (Pigeon Breast) J. of Pediatric Surgery 8, nr. 5, (1974)J. C. Sier, J. J. Visser en G. den Otter The influence of Truncal Vagotomy on the Composition of Bile, Eur. Surg. Res. 6, (1974), biz. 50. / . R. Soer Temporary obstruction of the ureter - An experimental study on the recovery of renal function after reversible obstruction of the ureter in rabbits. Arch. Chir. Neerl., 36, (1974), biz. 77. Evaluation in Experimental Obstructive Nephropahty of '^'I-Hippuran and ' ' ' - H g - N e o hydrin Curves, Neclear Medizin XIII, (1974), biz. 12. Histologie T. J. Biewenga Complexen van immuunglobulinen en lactaatdehydrogenase; in: Proefschrift V.U., Amsterdam, 1974. Complexes of immunoglobulins and lactaatdehydrogenase; in: 15e Federative Vergadering (1975)A^. van Rooijen Mechanism of follicular antigen trapping. Migration of antigen antibody complexes from marginal zone towards follicle centres; in: Immunology 25, (November 1973), biz. 847-852. Nonspecific nature of antigen trapping in lymphoid follicles A comparative study on the localization of the antigens ^H-DNP-BGG and ' ^ ' I - H G G in the spleen of rabbits using an autoradiographic technique for distinction between two isotopes in the same tissue section; in: Immunology 25, (November 1973), biz. 853-867. Antigen trapping and lymphoid cell retention in spleen follicles: A comparative study on the localization in mouse spleen of ' ^ 'I-HGG-anti-HGG and ^H-labelled spleen cells from syn140

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1973

Jaarboeken | 194 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 138

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1973

Jaarboeken | 194 Pagina's