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Jaarboek 1974-1975 - pagina 148

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Jaarboek 1974-1975 - pagina 148

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Antigen Trapping Process. An Electron-Microscopic Autoradiographic Study in the Spleen of Mice; in: Cell Tiss. Res. i6i (1975). pp. 211-217. Dr. A. J. P. Veerman The Postnatal Development of the White Pulp in the Rat spleen and the Onset of Immunocompetence against a Thymus-independent and a Thymus-dependent Antigen; in: Z. Immun. Forsch. Bd. 150, (1975), pp. 45-59. Dr. A. J. P. Veerman en Drs. H. de Vries White pulp compartments in the spleen of rats and mice. A light and electron microscopie study of lymphoid and non-lymphoid cell types in T- and B-areas; in: Cell Tiss. Res. 156. (1975), p. 417On the development of interdigitating cells in the thymusdependent area of the rat spleen: a relation between the mononuclear phagocyte system and T-lymphocytes; in: Cell Tiss. Res. 148. (1974). p. 247. Dr. A. J. P. Veerman, Dr. E. Ch. M. Hoefsmit en H. Boeré Perfusion fixation using a cushioning chamber coupled to a peristaltic pump; in: Stain Techn. 49, (1974). p. i n . Dr. C. Versluys, Dr. B. Balldin, Dr. R. Hart, Dr. R. Huenges (Child Heath and Community Health Departments, Kilimanjaro, Christian Medical Centre) Child Health, a manual for Medical Assistants and other Rural Health Workers; African Medical and Research Foundation (1975). p. 211. Dr. F. C. de Waal Leukemie; in: De Nederlandse Bibliotheek der Geneeskunde. Deel 89A - Kindertumoren, Leiden (1974). pp. 185-208. Drs. H. Wierenga en Dr. M. de Jong-Busnac Cataracta zonularis bij een zuigeling; in: Nederlands tschr. v. geneesk. (1975), 119. nr. 4. pp. 133-137Vakgroep medische chemie Prof. dr. J. M. Tager, Dr. G. J. M. Hooghwinkel, Prof .dr. W. Th. Daems Enzyme therapy in Lysosomal storage diseases. Amsterdam North Holland. Publ. Comp. (1974), p. 308. Dr. B. Overdijk, Dr. G. J. M. Hooghwinkel Properties of the three multiple forms of -N-acetyl glucosaminidase in Human Brain Tissues. Hoppe Seyler"s Zt. fur Physiol. Chem. 355 (1974). p. 168. Dr. ]. J. W. Lisman, Dr. G. J. M. Hooghwinkel Kinetics of -glycosidases of human brain in Enzyme therapy in Lysosomal Storage diseases, eds. Tager, Hooghwinkel, Daems 1974. North Holland Publishing Company pp. 2Ó4-267. 146

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1974

Jaarboeken | 226 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1974-1975 - pagina 148

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1974

Jaarboeken | 226 Pagina's