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Jaarboek 1975-1976 - pagina 200

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Jaarboek 1975-1976 - pagina 200

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Drs. C. Jimgsma, Drs. F. J. M. Freyee, Prof. dr. F. Bickelhaupt 9-Phenyl-9-benzyl-9-phophaantracene, a tricyclic V'-phosphorin. Tetrahedron Letters, 6 (197Ö), 481. L. J. van de Griend, Prof. J. G. Verkade, Drs. C. Jongsma, Prof. dr. F. Bickelhaupt N M R and infrared evidence for orbital interaction effects in aromatic phophines Phophorus, 6 (1976), 131. Prof. dr. F. Bickelhaupt, Drs. C. Jongsma, Dr. P. de Koe, R. Laurens, N. R. Mast, G. L. van Mourik, H. Vermeer, Drs. R. J. M. Weustink Synthesis and application of frecursors of heteroanthracens. zHalo- and 2.2" dihalodiphenylmethanes and methine substituted derivates. Tetrahedron 32 (1976). 1921. W. den Hollander, P. J. van der Jagt and B. van Zanten Retention after carbon-14 decay in organic molecules. Part I. The compounds and their radiochemical properties. Radiochim. Acta 22 (1975), loi. P. J. van der Jagt, W. den Hollander and B. van Zanten Retention after carbon-14 decay in organic molecules. Part II. T h e influences of molecular and storage parameters on the retention. Radiochim. Acta 22 (1975), 162.

SUBFACULTEIT DER GEOLOGIE EN GEOFYSICA Vakgroep ertskunde, mineralogie, petrologie Prof. drs. W. Uytenbogaardt De wereldgrondstoffenpositie; in: Anti-revolutionaire Staatkunde 45 (1975), pp. 307-313 Vakgroep hydrologie en geografisctie hydrologie Dr. J. J. de Vries Inleiding tot de hydrologie van Nederland; Amsterdam. Rodopi N.V. (1975). 78 pp. Groundwater hydraulics; Aqua-VU 6; Amsterdam. Rodopi N.V. (1975), 45 pp. The groundwater outcrop-erosion model; evolution of the stream network in the Netherlands; in: J. of Hydrology 29 (1976), pp. 43-50. Dr. H. A. van Lunsen en Dr. M. D. Max The geology of Howth and Ireland's Eye; in: Geological Journal 10, Ft i (1975). pp. 35-58. Vakgroep kwartairgeologie, laaglandmorfogenese Dr. A. J. van Loon en Prof. dr. A. J. Wiggers Abrasion as an agent for sand supply in a Holocene lagoon (Almere and Zuiderzee Members. Groningen Formation) in the Netherlands; in: Sedimentary Geology 15 nr. 4 (1976), pp. 293-307. Primary and secondary synsedimentary structures in the lagoonal Almere Member (Groningen Formation, Holocene, T h e Netherlands); in: Sedimentary Geology 16 nr. 2 (1976), pp. 89-97. 198

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 januari 1975

Jaarboeken | 252 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1975-1976 - pagina 200

Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 januari 1975

Jaarboeken | 252 Pagina's