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Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 193

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Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 193

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R. C. Brand, J. Klootwijk, T. J. M. Steenbergen, A. J. de Kok and R. J. Planta Secondary methylation of yeast ribosomal precursor RNA; in: Eur. J. Biochem. 7^ ('^977)' PP- 3II-3I8/ . Donkert and J. Weitjes Double-osmotic-shock procedure to prepare gentamicin Adenime mononucleotide transferase for the enzymatic assay of Gentamycin Antimicro; in: Agents Chemother, II (1977), PP- 1074-1077. L. P. Elwell, J. de Graaff and S. Falkow The molecular nature of two Betalactamase specifying plasmids isolated from H a e m o philus influenzae type b.; in: J. Bacteriol. 126 (1976), pp. 429-446. S. Falkow, L. P. Elwell, J. de Graaff, F. Heffron and L. Mayer A possible model for the development of plasmid-mediated penicillin resistance in the Gonococcus. In sexually transmitted diseases. Proceedings of a conference, London, 23-25 June 197J, pp. 120-133, ed. R. D. Catterall, C. S. Nicol, J. D. Almeida, Acad. Press. 1977. / . de Graaff, J. H. Crosa, F. Heffron and S. Falkow Replication of the nonconjugative plasmid RFS l o i o in Escherichiacoli (Submittes for publication). Drs. G. L. de Lange The effect of salivary gland extracts on the histology of lymphoid organs and salivary glands in mice; in: Archs Oral Biology, 20 (1975), pp. j 15-520. Drs. G. L. de Lange, Drs. A. P. Vreugdenhil Morphological changes in salivary glands of mice after stimulation by phenylephrine, isoproterenol, nicotine and pilocarpine. i8e Vergadering Federatie Medisch- Biologische verenigingen te Leiden (1977). F. Namavar, J. de Graaff and 1. Verhoef Virulence of Staphylococci, (with special reference to experimental infection in neonatal mice and the phagocytosis by polymorphonuclear cells). In Staphylococci and Staphylococcal disaeses; in: Zbl. Bakt. i (1976), Abt. Supplement 5, pp. 813-818. F. Namavar, J. de Graaff and D. M. MacLaren A comparative study of the virulence of Micrococcus subgroups isolated from urinary tract and from the skin; in: J. med. Microbiol. 10, PIV (1977) abstract. F. Namavar, J. de Graaff, C. de With and D. M. MacLaren Novobiocin resistance and virulence in Staphylococcus saprophyticus biotype 3 isolated from urine and skin; in: J. Med. Microbiol, (accepted for publication).


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

Jaarboeken | 270 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 193

Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

Jaarboeken | 270 Pagina's