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Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 189

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Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 189

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Dr. J. C. Stoof, Dr. A. H. Mulder Increased dopamine release from rat striatal slices by inhibitors of GABA-aminotransferase; in: Eur. J. Pharmacol. 46 (1977), pp. 177-180. Dr. J. C. Stoof, H. C. Vrijmoed-de Vries, Drs. H. Dijkstra Behavioural response of rat pups with a lesioned central dopaminergic system to dopaminergic agonists; in: Abstr. 19e Fed. Verg., Rotterdam, (1978) p. 388. Prof. dr. S. L. Visser New techniques in E M G and compound electroneurography; in: H. van Duijn, D. N . J. Donker en A. C. van Huffelen (Eds), Current concepts in clinical neurophysiology (Trio, The Hague), 1977, pp. 131-140. E E G diagnostiek bij patiƫnten met een dementie; in: Soma en Psyche Wereldwijd 1977, 3, pp. 1-5. Prof. dr. S. L. Visser, Drs. W. de Rijke Half maximal voluntary contraction of eight different muscles for 60 seconds in normal subjects; in: E E G Clin. Neurophysiol., 1977, 43, p. 585. Prof. dr. S. L. Visser, Dr. G. Zilvold E M G analysis in hemiplegic patients treated by means of functional electrical stimulation (FES) of the peroneal nerve; Proceed. I l l Int. Congr. ISEK (Poggi-Pavia), 1976, pp. 167-168. Elektromyographische Befunde zur Beurteilung der funktionellen Elektrostimulation bei spastischer Hemiparese; in: M O T 98, 1978, pp. 99-104. Analysis of the E M G of plantar and dorsal flexion of the foot in hemiplegic patients to evaluate the results of Functional Electrical Stimulation treatment; in: E E G Clin. Neurophysiol. 1978, pp. 44-121.

Vakgroep oogheelkunde Dr. M. R. Dandrieu The teratogenic influence of dexamethasone on the rabbit eye; Excerpta Medica International Congress Series, no. 426. Drs. J. S. Stilma Subscleral trepanation in the treatment of glaucoma; in: Documenta Ophthalmologica 44. 1977Hypotony in Giant Cell Arteriitis; jth Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology, Hamburg 1976 Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1978, pp. 447-449. Goniotrephining with scleral flap in the treatment of glaucoma; Academisch proefschrift, Amsterdam, Academische Pers, 1978, 128 pp.


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1977

Jaarboeken | 296 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 189

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1977

Jaarboeken | 296 Pagina's