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Studentenalmanak 1932 - pagina 124

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Studentenalmanak 1932 - pagina 124

1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten



Dearest pray, do not laugh at me —

when only you smile there's so much to see

it just drives me mad!

There are blinding flashes of purest white

when you show your teeth in your sweet delight —

it just drives me mad!

The curves of your mouth are so tender, dear,

its redness and freshness so taunting and near —

it just drives me mad!

Yotu- eyes are so merry and sparkle so,

at the droop of your lashes my heart thumps so —

it just drives me mad!

But wihen your adorable dimples appear,

the end of endurance is awfully near —

they just ask to be kissed!

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1932

Studentenalmanak | 158 Pagina's

Studentenalmanak 1932 - pagina 124

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1932

Studentenalmanak | 158 Pagina's