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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 27

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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 27

1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten

^Tcthodlst Review. ceptioii uf


vanishes away and wlit-n tlierc


no more


in any known tnirli, nor in law, which governs lit'ework and who makes God, who calls ns to ii


the will, nor


everytliinii; sub-

Underneath your feet the iountains and from above the rain ])our8 down to soak tlie rise higher, which was once well i^raveled and iirm, and turn it roadbed, into mud, where walkini^ becomes stumblin;^ and slidimrHence the cionplaint, which was never more general than in our days, about the dearth of character, (jf impressive personality, and oi:" men oi ii'on will. In sooth, we need be no "admirers of the pa<t" to stand aggrieved at the dullness of the faces about ns, at their weakness of expression and want of maidy power, in comparison with those porti'aye<l on Uembi-andt's canvases. jN'(., we do not look down with self-conceit upon agnosticism ; and when we hear Tyndall reverently say, "Standing before t!ii«i power which from the universe forces itself upon me, 1 dare not do other than speak poetically (»f a II im, a Spii-it, or even a (.'ause irs mystery overshadows me, but it remains a serve




mystery," then this agnostic reverence touches us more deei)ly than


Kantian refrain of God,






Ihit forget not that the clearness of


the clearness of our thiid-cing becomes dimmed. England science is delined as the statistics of what is measBene docet qui distinqxr^V ured, weighed, and mimbci'ed. is

here at stake






teaches well




(Jistinguislies well'')

from which our thinking, i)ut

here the rule


if it is




the rnl& of dis-

to be sound,





omnia bene permiscet'''' ("He teachco well who mixes all well"). And, as mentioned above, Hegel had to invent logic for this

amalgamating process of thought.


docct qui

things a


Before this

cloudy manner of thinking the strength of conviction recedes. Everything clothes itself with the garb of modesty, which in re-

naught but hesitation and uncertainty, until in the end its "love glance" upon the notknowing, and Du Bois Reymond proclaims his "?y7ioraZ»/m ?«.?," which is followed by the agnostic axiom of Spencer. In this way it is not merely philosoi)hy that languishes and the horizon of science itself which becomes narrow, but in practical life skepticism takes jwssession again of the human heart and draws the clouds ever thicker across the clearness of our vision, until



the thirst for knowledge turns

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's

Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 27

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's