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The work of the Holy Spirit - pagina 580

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The work of the Holy Spirit - pagina 580

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten






Even tho I had faith so that I could move would be nothing. Only through love one is something, is much, is all. Having love, I have enough and having love, I can not be altogether without hope. These three being equally indispensable, they are equally inseparable from the Christian. No Christian without faith, without hope, without love. No Christian hope nor Christian love without Christian faith. And, on the other hand, no Christian faith without Christian hope nor Christian faith without Christian love. Faith, Hope, Love, these three originate the one in the other sustain each other these three are one. They become one more and more they strengthen, purify, regenerate each other. Love is not first, nor hope, but faith. However, faith is impossible, even for a moment, without hope and love. "But among these three, that are indispensable to the Christian and absolutely so to each other, love is the greatest and most excellent of all only cause


go on

to love.

mountains, and had not love,







"First, because of its importance to the Christian.



the in-

and hope the new-born happiness of a fallen man but love is the growing perfection of restored man. "Second, because of its relation to God. Of faith and hope God is the Object and Example. To believe in God is to cast oneself in the arms of God to hope is to rest upon His heart but to love is to bear His image. His own Being is Love. To love is divine. God is Love, and he that abideth in love abideth in Him and He in him. "Third, love is greatest by its working. Of the deeply rooted tree of faith, it is the fruit which glorifies God and the shadow which diffuses a blessing. By love all that believe are one by it they strengthen, serve, and bear each other. Love edifieth. It builds up the Body of the Lord it spreads His Church among a sinful race, and carries on the labor of











and honor


For love's sake His Church, His Cross, His Person find gfrace in the sight of unbelievers. It shames unbelief and silences

mockery. "Fourth, love f aileth.



by reason

When time is merged in eternity,

of its endurance.

prophecy shall be

Love never



Lamb, tongues shall cease and knowledge which is in part shall vanish away when that which is perfect is come. And when all is sight there shall be no more room for faith and where shall hope be when all shall be fulfilled? the redeemed of


nations shall join in the song of the



" Lastly,

faileth. When

this corruptible shall have put on have put on immortality when it shall be revealed to us what we shall be when bowed down in adoration we shall see Him as He is, in whom, tho not seeing Him, yet believing, we rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory, then shall our whole being, all our faith and hope, be only love. Then love, purified of her last stain


love never


this mortal shall



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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1900

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 704 Pagina's

The work of the Holy Spirit - pagina 580

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1900

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 704 Pagina's