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To be near unto God - pagina 9

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To be near unto God - pagina 9

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten




"I When in holy ecstacy the Psalmist sings:voice my love the Lord, because He hath heard whole and my supplication," he pours out his be anasoul in his song, but the love can not different and a lized. To have love for God is a much weaker thing than to be able to say: the1 for love God." There is love for native land, art. beauties of nature and for the creations of From tenderness of heart we have love for sufare attracted by things fering humanity. And that are pure, true and of good report. along this line of thought almost every honest that soul can say that he has love for God, and from this love exceeds all other loves. Because him and through him all loveable things are, and He is the highest good.


Love for God may be fine sentiment. It may be sincere and capable of inspiring holy enthusiasm, while the soul is still a stranger to fellowship with the eternal, and ignorant of the secret walk with God. The great God may still not be your God. Your heart may still not be attuned

the to the passionate outburst of delight: I love Lord. For love of God in general is so largely love for the idea of God, love for the Fountain of life, the Source of all good, the Watcher of Israel who never slumbers; in brief, love for him who, whatever else changes, abides the same eternally. But when the heart can say: I love the Lord, the idea of the Eternal becomes per-

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1900

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 628 Pagina's

To be near unto God - pagina 9

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1900

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 628 Pagina's