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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 194

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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 194

..verzameld ter gelegenheid van haar honderddertigjarig bestaan op 20 oktober 2010 in opdracht van de Historische Commissie Vrije Universiteit

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

promoties wiskunde- en naturwetenschappen 1995-1997

194 27 juni 27 juni 29 juni 1 sept. 1 sept. 5 sept. 11 sept. 12 sept. 15 sept. 21 sept. 2 okt. 3 okt. 16 okt. 16 okt. 17 okt. 19 okt. 19 okt. 26 okt. 30 okt. 31 okt. 31 okt. 27 nov. 4 dec. 11 dec. 14 dec.

16 jan. 17 jan. 18 jan. 5 febr. 1 maart 4 maart 5 maart 25 maart

Komen, C.M.D., Diphosphenes: p-bond strength and quest for 1,2-diphosphaaromatic compounds Luitjes, H., Synthese, structuur en reactiviteit van amine-gecomplexeerde alkyllithiumverbindingen Rijnders, F.M., A visual programming environment for scientific applications: possibilities and limitations Schnack, H.G., Activation energies from magnetization relaxation & vice versa in high-Tc superconductors Roovers, J.F.A., Cloning and characterization of an insulin receptor-related receptor from the pond snail lymnaea stagnalis Aarts, L.P.H.J., Anesthesia and oxidative stress Lahaye, R.J.W.E., Simulations of surface scattering Brakenhoff, J.P.G., Disposition and biological effects of fotemustine, a new anticancer agent: a molecular toxicological study in rats and humans Kooi, E.A., The role and nature of the interaction between ribosomal protein L25 and 26S rRNA in yeast ribosomes Glück, A.C.M., RNA recognition elements of the ribotoxins ricin a-chain and alpha-sarcin Mank, A.J.G., Diode laser-based detection techniques in liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis Koperdraad, R.T.W., The proximity effect in superconducting methalic multililayers Laak, A.M. ter, Histamine H1-receptor agonists and antagonists molecular modeling and drug design Smit, M.J., Dynamic regulation of the histamine H1 and H2 receptors Knol, J.C., G-proteins in molluscan neurons: their structure, expression and function Kos, J., Time-dependent problems in linear operator theory Dalen, A.J.J. van, Thermally activated motion and quantum creep of vortices in high-Tc superconductors Schlatman, R., Control of multilayer X-ray mirror properties Honing, M., Study of LC-MS interfacing techniques for the determination of carbamate pesticides Jetten, W., Peptide-derived transition state analogue inhibitors of thrombin Jellema, R., Microheterogeneity in mixtures and solutions: a study on critical mixing of acetonitrile and water Bergkamp - Steffens, G.K., Transcriptional regulation of ribosomal protein genes in Kluyveromyces Huiberts, J.N., On the road to dirty metallic atomic hydrogen Leeuwen, R. van, Electron correlation in autoionizing states of barium Varela, J.C.S., Regulation of gene expression and signaling in Saccharomyces cerevisiae under osmotic and salt stress 1996 Bastiaans, H.M.M., Total synthesis of the natural peptid-mimic cyclotheonamide B and analogues: the biological activity of a new class of mechanism-based serine protease inhibitors Brongersma, S.H., Vortex configurations in superconducting films and multilayers Lenthe, E. van, The ZORA equation Geurts, W.J.W., Long- and short-range correlations in nuclei: a Green’s function approach Pribic, R., Parameter estimation in mathematical models for spectroscopic observations Scholtens, A.C.J., S-typical curves in non-commutative Hopf algebras Kramer, J.L.A.M., Quantitative microdistributions of volatile trace elements in pristine meteorites Slobodnik, J., Automation of hyphenated liquid and gas chromatographic systems in envi-

04 Promoties 07 WenN.indd 194

26-8-2010 20:54:30

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's

Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 194

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's