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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 138

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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 138

..verzameld ter gelegenheid van haar honderddertigjarig bestaan op 20 oktober 2010 in opdracht van de Historische Commissie Vrije Universiteit

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

138 26 nov. 28 nov. 3 dec. 10 dec. 12 dec. 15 dec. 19 dec. 9 jan. 9 jan. 14 jan. 14 jan. 16 jan. 21 jan. 23 jan. 23 jan. 28 jan. 30 jan. 6 febr. 6 febr. 13 febr. 18 febr. 20 febr. 6 maart 11 maart 13 maart 20 maart 25 maart 25 maart 8 april 15 april 22 april 24 april 6 mei 8 mei

promoties geneeskunde 1997-1998

Thijsen, S.F.T., Purging in chronic myeloid leukemia Broug - Holub, E., Alveolar macrophage functioning: modulation by stress, infection and bacterial extracts Driessen, M.J.A., Occupational therapy in hospital based care in the Netherlands Post, J.C., Magnetic resonance coronary angiography: a clinical evaluation Blom, B., Control of early T cell differentiation in the human thymus Soenarto, Sri S., Diarrhea case management: using research findings directly for case management and teaching in a teaching hospital in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Bergers, E., Flow cytometry in breast cancer: methodological and clinical aspects 1998 Nievelstein, R.A.J., The caudal regression syndrome and anorectal malformations: magnetic resonance imaging and embryological studies Uitdehaag, B.M.J., Cytokines and glucocorticoids in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis Gruijl, T.D. de, The role of HPV-16 specific immune responses in the natural history of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia Sonnaville, J.J.J. de, Structured care for patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 in general practice Bouma, G., HLA and cytokine gene polymorphisms in inflammatory bowel diseases Vonk Noordegraaf, A., Imaging of the heart and pulmonary circulation by means of electrical impedance tomography and magnetic resonance imaging: application in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Pijnenburg, H.C.E., Consensus over psychiatrische problemen van het kind: een empirisch onderzoek naar overeenstemming tussen hulpverlener en ouders Wolvers, D.A.W., Intranasally induced immunological tolerance Linn, S.C., Clinical probing and reversal of multidrug resistance in solid tumors Lenthe, F.J. van, The development of a central pattern of body fat from adolescence into adulthood: the Amsterdam Growth and Health Longitudinal Study Havenaar, E.C., a1-acid glycoprotein: expression of sialyl Lewis-x during chronic inflammation in relation to its function Laan, L.J.W. van der, Macrophage receptors: role in myelin phagocytosis and inflammation Vincent, V.A.-M.M., Nitric oxide in glial cell interactions in vitro and in AIDS dementia Dijkstra, I., Glucocorticoids and adaptive changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system Swarte, V.R., Functional aspects of L-selectin and L-selectin ligands Hamel, M.E., Factors controlling the function of CD4 memory T cells Dijkman, M.A., Coronary perfusion influences cardiac muscle function: the Gregg phenomenon Velden, J. van der, Correlation between contractile protein composition and energetic and mechanical properties of the heart Copper, M.P., Biomarkers in chemoprevention of second primary tumours in head and neck cancer patients Citarella, F., Structural/functional analysis of human coagulation factor XII Mijnster, M.J., Antipsychotic drug action in the rat striatum: adaptive changes in morphology and neuropeptide synthesis of opioid neurons Bulten, B.H., Gevangen tussen straf en zorg Coq, E.M. le, Children with asthma: relevance of early recognition, quality of life measurement Boellaard, R., In vivo dosimetry with a liquid-filled electronic portal imaging device Kramer, S.E., Assessment of hearing disability and handicap: a multidimensional approach Leverstein, H., Epithelial tumours of the parotid gland: a clinicopathological study Dasselaar, N.T. van, Quality assurance of anaesthesiological pain control in the Netherlands

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26-8-2010 20:52:33

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's

Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 138

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's