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Jaarboek 1960-1961 - pagina 107

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Jaarboek 1960-1961 - pagina 107

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Melanoma of the skin in the black angelfish Pterophyllum scalare Cuvier with some theoretical considerations concerning the melanoma in extremely pigmented fishes, 87—118. Alkaline and acid phosphatases in normal and atrophied muscle of the Anabantid Betta splendens Regan, 167—185. Muscular dystrophy in Iguana iguana as an aberration of the connective tissue, 186—199. Tumours of fishes. XXXI. Epidermoid carcinoma in a strain of the Cichlid Etroplus maculatus (Bloch), 200—219. Topographical distribution of glycogen in the brain of Iguana iguana with glycogen accumulation disease, 335—349. Muscular dystrophy in the Anabantid Betta splendens Regan as an aberration of the connective tissue, 350—365. Changes in the topographical distribution of glycogen in the brain of Iguana iguana in dependence on the environmental temperature, 366—374. D e volgende artikelen i n : Die Naturwissenschaften, '?(;(1959): A parasitic Ciliate in the central nervous system of a larval newt, 6 3 1 . Two types of ribonucleoprotein in the nucleolus of tumour cells, 654. -^7(1960): Experimental colloid goitre in some viviparous Toothcarps produced by thiouracil treatment, 46—47. Experimental carcinoma of the intestine in the Cichlid Aequidens maroni (Steindachner) following injection of herring-sperm deoxyribonucleic acid, 88—89. Histochemical analysis of three dehydrogenase systems in the renal adenocarcinoma of Aplocheilus lineatus, 188. Topographical distribution of glycogen in the brain of Iguana iguana with glycogen accumulation disease, 326. D e volgende artikelen i n : Nature (Londen), 184 (1959): Effect of thiouracil and thyroxine on development and growth of cutaneous melanoma in killifish hybrids, 562—563. Glaucoma species in the central nervous system of the carp, XTil. Development of the yolk nucleus in the oocytes of some fishes, 1746. /^5(1960): Cytoplasmic inclusions of the ageing neurons of some Teleosts, 332—333. Each of haemoglobin in a fish, 625—626. Histochemical localisation of oxidase activity in the mitochondria of the heart in some lower Vertebrates, 866—867. D e volgende artikelen i n : Acta morphologica Neerlando-Scandinavica (1950—1960): Vol. 3. Leucine aminopeptidase activity in mesenterial mast cells of the carp Cyprinus carpio L., 1—12. Leucine aminopeptidase activity in cutaneous mast cells of the precancerous skin of the lizard Lacerta agilis L., 13—34. H a t volgende artikel i n : Beaufortia, Series of miscellaneous publications. Zoological Museum, Amsterdam, 7(1959): Tumours of fishes. 30. Epidermoid carcinoma of the lower lip in the Cichlid Hemichromis bimaculatus, 199—205.


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1960

Jaarboeken | 140 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1960-1961 - pagina 107

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1960

Jaarboeken | 140 Pagina's