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Jaarboek 1966 - pagina 127

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Jaarboek 1966 - pagina 127

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W. S. Sijperda en G. de Vries: Mineral analysis by means of thin layer chromatography using liquid ion exchangers. Part I I : Qualitative analysis of sulphide ore minerals. Geol. en Mijnb. 4J (1966), 315-318. W. Uytenbogaardt: T h e place of mineralogy in the geological studies at the Free University of Amsterdam. T h e Indian Mineralogist 6 (1965), 37-39. W. Uytenbogaardt: Der Durimet-Pol, ein neuer Kleinharteprüfer fur Eindruckhartebestimmungen in polarisiertem Auflicht. Leitz-Mitt. Wiss. u. Techn. ^ (1966), 218-219. W. Uytenbogaardt: Summary of the results of Vickers Hardness measurements on ore minerals achieved in different laboratories since 1956. Publication of the Institute of Earth Sciences, Free University, Amsterdam, N o . 33 (in stencil), (1966), 14 p . W. Uytenbogaardt en S. H . U. Bowie: Proposed tables of quantitative data for ore microscopy. Econ. Geology 60 (1965), 1328-29. W. Uytenbogaardt en S. H . U. Bowie: Identification of opaque minerals. Econ. Geology 60 (1965), 1330-31. SUBFACULTEIT D E R SCHEIKUNDE AFDELING ANALYTISCHE CHEMIE Prof. Dr. E. van Dalen P. B o s : Chronopotentiometrie. Chem. Weekbl. 61 (1965), 533-537. U. A . T h . Brinkman, G. de Vries en E . van Dalen: Chromatographic techniques using liquid anion-exchangers. I, H C l systems. Journal of Chromatography Z2 (1966), 407-424. U. A . T h . Brinkman, G. de Vries en E . van Dalen: Chromatographic techniques using liquid anion-exchangers. II, Strong m o n o basic acid systems. Journal of Chromatography 2} (1966), 287-297. H . Loman en E . van Dalen: O n the use of cation exchangers for the study of complex systems. A new method for the evaluation of the stability constants. T h e system bismuth-chloride. Journal of Inorg. and Nucl. Chem. z8 (1966), 2037-2053. W. T . de Vries en E . van Dalen: Distortion of linear-sweep polarograms by ohmic drop. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 10 (1965), 183-190. W. T. de Vries en E . van Dalen: Ohmic drop distortion of anodic stripping curves from a thin mercury-film electrode. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry iz (1966), 9-14. AFDELING


Prof. Dr. L. Bosch Prof. D r . L. Bosch: Geen spel als het spel met de genen. Universitaire Pers Leiden (1965). 125

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1966

Jaarboeken | 168 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1966 - pagina 127

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1966

Jaarboeken | 168 Pagina's