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Jaarboek 1968 - pagina 77

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Jaarboek 1968 - pagina 77

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S T E L T , C. V A N D E R , P. S. H O F M A N , A. B. H. F U N C K E e n W. T h . N A U T A Guanidine and amidoxime derivatives of some diphenylmethyl and related tricyclic ethers. In: Arzneimittel-Forsch., ƒ / (1967), 1446. G O O T J E S , J., A. B. H . F U N C K E en W. Th. N A U T A Synthesis and pharmacology of a number of seco analogues of 2- (p-chlorophenyl)-i,^,4,(j,y,iib-hexahydro-i)-io-dimethoxy-2H-ben^o-[a.]quinolizine I n : Arzneimittel-Forsch., 77(1967), 1331. W A L S , L., en W. T h . N A U T A Synthesis of 2,},j-trimethyl-terephtalic acid. I n : Rec. trav. chim., Sj (1968), 65. S T E L T , C. V A N D E R , P. S. H O F M A N , A. B. H. F U N C K E en W. Th. N A U T A Synthesis and pharmacological properties of some )H-ben;(o[ 4,j] cyclohepta[ 1,2-b]pyridine derivatives. I n : Arzneimittel-Forsch., /if (1968), 756. R O O Z E M O N D , R. C , W. H E S P E en W. Th. N A U T A The concentrations of orphenadrine and its N-dimethylated derivatives in rat brain, after intraperitoneal administration of orphenadrine and foenacine. I n : Int. J. Neuropharmacol., 7 (1968), 293. H E S P E , W., H . P R I N S , W. F. K A F O E en W. Th. N A U T A Investigations into the metabolic fate and distribution of hep^idine maleate in the rat and the mouse. I n : Biochemical Pharmacology, ij (1968) 655. N A U T A W. Th., R. F. R E K K E R en A. F. H A R M S Diarylcarbinol ethers: structure activity relationships; a physsico-chemical approach. I n : Proceedings of the 3rd Intern, pahrmacological meeting, 7 (1966), biz. 305. L o n d o n , Pergamon Press, 1968. AFDELING ELECTROCHEMIE B R I N K M A N , A. A. A. M. The influence of Brueghel's print "The I n : Janus, J4{ic)6-i), 141.


D E K K E R , H., C. M O S S E L M A N en G. S O M S E N , e.a. Studies on cyclohexane derivatives. Part VI. Cis and trans-1,4-Di-tbutylcyclohexane. Preparation and properties. I n : Rec. trav. chim., 86 {igG-f), 1363 W E E D A , L. en G. S O M S E N Enthalpies of solution of some alkali halides in N-N-dimethylformamid at if C. I n : Rec. trav. chim., 86 (1967), 893. A F D E L I N G PHYSISCHE



B E E N S , H., H . K N I B B E en A. W E L L E R Dipolar nature of molecular complexes in the excited state. I n : J. chem. phys., 4J {\<)(>i), 1183. B E E N S , H . en A. W E L L E R Triple complex formation in the excited state. I n : Chem. phys. letters, 2 (1968), 140.


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1968

Jaarboeken | 136 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1968 - pagina 77

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1968

Jaarboeken | 136 Pagina's