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Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 146

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Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 146

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

RIET, J. VAN 'T Properties of the membrane-bound respiratory nitrate reductase of Klebsiella aerogenes. In: Abstr. Commun. Meet. Fed. Eur. Biochem. Soc. Amsterdam 5 (197a), biz. 298. RIET, J. VAN 'T, D . L. K N O O K en R. J. PLANTA The role of cytochrome bi in nitrate assimilation and nitrate respiration in Klebsiella aerogenes. In: FEBS Letters 23 (1972), biz. 44-48. T R A P M A N , J. en R. J. PLANTA Ribosomal precursor particles from yeast. In: Abstr. 9th Intern. Congress of Biochemistry, Stockholm (1973), biz. 141

VAKGROEP FYSISCHE CHEMIE Spectroscopie BIEMOND, J. en C. MACLEAN NMR study of the dipolar alignment in fluid mixtures induced by strong electric fields. In: Molecular Physics, s6 (IQ-J^) 409-418. BIEMOND, J., B. J. M. N E U Z E N en C. MACLEAN Effects of external electric fields on ^H, '"/% and '•''N NMR benzene. In: Chemical Physics, / (1973) 335-339-

spectra of s, 4, 6-trifluoronitro-

BULTHUIS, J., C. W. HILBERS en C. MACLEAN NMR and ESR in liquid Crystals. In: MIP International Review of Science, 4, Butterworth 1973. BULTHUIS, J., J. VAN D E N BERG en C. MACLEAN NMR spectra of t, s-difluoroethane in nematic solvents. In: Journal of Molecular Structure, iff (1973) 11-22. BULTHUIS, J. en C. MACLEAN Vibrational corrections of dipolar couplings: methylfiuoride and i, In: Chemical Physics Letters, 21 (1973) 6 n .


D E K K E R S , J. J., G. Ph. HOORNWEG, C. MACLEAN en N. H. VELTHORST Fluorescence and phosphorescence polarization of molecules oriented in stretched polymers. General description. In: Chemical Physics Letters, tg (1973) 517. GERRITSEN, J., G. KOOPMANS, H. S. ROLLEMA en C. MACLEAN NMR spectra of partially oriented tetrafiuorobenzenes: Anisotropies of indirect nuclear spinspin couplings. In: Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 8 (1972) 20-34. 144

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1972

Jaarboeken | 216 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 146

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1972

Jaarboeken | 216 Pagina's