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Jaarboek 1974-1975 - pagina 149

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Jaarboek 1974-1975 - pagina 149

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Dr. G. J. M. Hooghwinkel Classification of Sphingolipidoses and mucopolysaccharidoses in Enzyme Therapy in Lysosomal Storage diseases eds. Tager Hooghwinkel Daems 1974. North Holland Publishing Company, pp. 13-25. Dr. R. E. de Rooij, Drs. K. O. Liein, Dr. G. J. M. Hooghwinkel A method for the determination of sphingomylinase activity. Clin. Chim. Acta 59 (1975), PP- 7I-79. Dr. B. Overdijk, Dr. G. J. M. Hooghwinkel The determination of methotrexate in serum and urine. Clin. Chim. Acta 59 (1975), pp. 177-182. Dr. K. O. Liem, Dr. G. J. M. Hooghwinkel The use of a-L-Iduronidase activity determinations in leucocytes for the detection of Hurler and Scheie syndromes. Clin. Chim. Acta 60 (1975). pp. 259-262. Dr. W. R. den Tandt, Dr. G. J. M. Hooghwinkel Brain Lysosomal enzymes in generalized gangliosidosis and metochromatic dystrophy Clin. Research 23 (1975), p. 318A.


Dr. W. op den Velde, Dr. G. J. M. Hooghwinkel The brain ganglioside pattern in presemile and semile dementia. J. Amer. Geriatric. Soc. 23 (1975). PP- 301-304Dr B. Overdijk, Dr. G. ]. M. Hooghwinkel Kinetic properties of p glucosidase of human brain tissue. Neurobiology 4 (1974), PP- 337-348Dr. G. J. M. Hooghwinkel Enzyme deficience in lysosomal storage diseases, abstract i6th Dutch Federative Meeting (1975), P- 8. Dr. B. Overdijk New forms of Brain Hexosaminidases. Abstract 3th Int. Symp. on glycoconjugates, Brighton (1975), p. 30. B. Overdijk, Dr. G. J. M. Hooghwinkel Properties of human and bovine hexosaminidases. Abstract loth FEBS Meeting Parijs (1975), nr. 1573. Dr. J. J. W. Lisman, Dr. G. J. M. Hooghwinkel Kinetics deviating from Michaelis-Meuten Mechanism of glycosidases in brain. Abstract loth FEBS Meeting Paris (1975). nr. 935. Dr. J. J. W. Lisman Properties of /3-glucosidase and /j-galactosidase from bovine and human brain. Proefschrift, Krips Repro b.v. Meppel (1974), 113 pp. 147

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1974

Jaarboeken | 226 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1974-1975 - pagina 149

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1974

Jaarboeken | 226 Pagina's