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Jaarboek 1974-1975 - pagina 152

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Jaarboek 1974-1975 - pagina 152

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Dr. ]. G. F. Worst, Drs. G. L. van der Heijde A simplified Echographic Procedure for Clinical Oculography. In: Ultrasonography in Ophthalmology. Bibl. Ophthal. 1975, nr. 83, pp. 269-272. Dr. ir. G. Koning, Dr. H. Schneider Excitability of the heart studied by application of electrical stimuli. In: Proceedings „Medizin-Technik" 1975, pp. 93-94. Dr. ir. G. Koning, Dr. H. Schneider, Ir. A. J. Hoelen, Dr. R. S. Reneman Amplitude-duration relation for direct ventricular defibrillation with rectangular current pulses. In: Medical and Biological Engineering 1975; Vol. 13, pp. 388-395. Dr. H. Schneider, Dr. ir. G. Koning, H. G. Goovaerts The response of the canine heart to double pulses of short duration: a simple addition principle. In: American Heart Journal 1974; Vol. 88, no. 3. pp. 325-329. Ir. H. H. Ros, Ir. Th. J. van den Aliker, H. G. Goovaerts, Dr. H. Schneider Non-invasive measurement of His bundle activity. In: Proceedings „Medizin-Technik" 1975; P- 185. Dr. A.H.J. Maas, R. A. M. Carbon dioxide and oxygen solution for calibration and ceedings Ninth International

Van den Camp, Dr. A. H. Veeflcind tonometered phosphate-bicarbonate-chloride-glycerol/water control of pH. p C 0 2 and p02 electrode systems; in: ProCongress on Clinical Chemistry 1975, 211, p. 64.

Dr. A. H. Veeflcind, R. A.M. Van den Camp, Dr. A. H. J. Maas pH, log pCOa-relationship of phosphate, bicarbonate, chloride solutions equilibrated with carbon dioxide gas; in: Proceedings Ninth International Congress on Clinical Chemistry 1975, 212. p. 64. Dr. A. H. Veefliind, R. A. M. Van den Camp, Dr. A. H. J. Maas Use of Carbon Dioxide- and Oxygen- Tonometered Phosphate- Bicarbonate- ChlorideGlycerol-Water Mixtures for Calibration and Control of pH. pCOa and p 0 2 Electrode Systems; in: Clinical Chemistry 1975. Vol. 21. no. 6. pp. 685-693. Dr. J. Heijlman The inhibitory action of glycosaminoglycans on brain sialidase; in: Biochemical Society Transaction 547 (1974), pp. 638-639. Vakgroep medische informatica Prof. dr. ir. J. H. van Bemmel Development and evaluation of diagnostic methods. Proc. 3rd Nordic Conference on Med. and Biol. Engng. Tampere (1975), pp. 1-9. Informatie en electrocardiogram; fysische modellen en statistische methoden. Van Hoytemacursus Vector- en electrocardiografie (1975), pp. 9-13. 150

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1974

Jaarboeken | 226 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1974-1975 - pagina 152

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1974

Jaarboeken | 226 Pagina's