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Jaarboek 1985-1986 - pagina 177

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Jaarboek 1985-1986 - pagina 177

1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten


Stark effect and lifetime studies in multi electron atoms

6- 9-85 H.L.M. Bakker

De Haas-van Alphen spectroscopy on palladium based interstitial alloys

12- 9-85 W.A. de Rooij

Reflection and transmission of polarized light by planetary atmospheres

12- 9-85 M. Breeuwer

Speechreading supplemented with auditory information

13- 9-85 mw. H.S. van Walraven (cum laude)

AT Pase proteoliposomes reconstituted from a thermophilic cyanobacterium

18- 9-85 L.J. Rhebergen

Microevolutionary rubra

19- 9-85 G. van Beek

C,j DiterpeenalkalOlden

25- 9-85 J.J. Vegter

Coexistence of forest floor collembola

25- 9-85 A.J.H. Donné

Transverse excitations of "F

2-10-85 P.C. Lolkema




Copper resistance in higher plants

10-10-85 M. Bloemendal

Solute-solute interactions in non-aqueous solvents

10-10-85 W.J.A. Krone

Uptake of cloacin DF 13 by susceptible cells

30-10-85 R. Feenstra

Effective hydrogen-hydrogen interaction in cristalline and amorphous palladium based alloys

31-10-85 S.J. Mullender

Principles of distributed operating system design


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1985

Jaarboeken | 184 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1985-1986 - pagina 177

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1985

Jaarboeken | 184 Pagina's