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1952 Geloof en Wetenschap : Orgaan van de Christelijke vereeniging van natuur- en geneeskundigen in Nederland - pagina 156

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52 Medicine m order directly to serve in the Christian Ministry). The subjects for such talks have been, for example, Professor Seddon's „The Christian Heritage m Medicine". At such meetings there are usually about 200 Doctors present Local meetings m the big cities and towns of course, draw smaller numbers, but these smaller groups are often able to have very stimulating discussions The objects of the Christian Medical Fellowship are • 1. The Fellowship encourages them to continue the active and fruitful Christian enterprise which they enjoyed while they were still in Medical Faculty and Hospital It also brings them into contact with experienced senior colleagues who can help them m the problems which are met m the early years of practice In some districts, regional groups have been formed and local meetings are held. 2. The Fellowship exists to encourage members to take steps to deepen their Christian Faith and to extend it to others Usually this will take place through the worship and activities of the Christian Church, but from time to time members find it possible to bring the claims of their faith to the attention of professional colleagues m other ways In the early years of professional life, owing to frequent movement from appointment to appointment, a medical man is unable to maintain regular church attendance and misses the strength and fellowship which church membership brings. 3. The Fellowship provides the opportunity for study and discussion of the wider aspects of professional conduct and method which involve Christian principles very closely Although the standard expected of the profession remains in harmony with Christian teaching, modern therapeutics sometimes present the doctor with problems which for himself, or his patient, strike at the very root of spiritual life. 4. The Fellowship will give support to Medical Missions at home and overseas and will encourage the recruitment and training of men and women for this form of Christian medical service. Many Medical Giaduates from the British Universities and Hospitals are working overseas m isolated mission stations and m mission hospital outposts. Some of them have pioneered the services of medicine in their sphere of influence. It IS the conviction of the members of the Christian Medical Fellowship — that because of his faith m God the Christian doctor should endeavour to be second to none m the highest scientific standards which can be attained m modern medicine. What we mean is that since the Christian claims to love and to serve the God of Truth, then we must above all other men strive to serve the pure truth. At the same time, because of the insight given by his faith to an understanding of the true nature of man and of his suffering, the Christian doctor must be the most humble, patient and helpful of men. The C M F seeks that all its members shall endeavour to achieve the highest standards of which each is capable both as good Christians and good doctors. Dr D. JOHNSON, London. Résumé: Depuis des siecles il y avait en Angleterre des médecms émments qui étaient en même temps des Chretiens accomplis. Plusieurs d'entreeux prenaient une part active a I'enseignement Chretien et d'autres partaient pour les missions. II y avait déja en 1846 a Londres et è. Edinbourg des reunions chretiennes de medecms. En 1873 on fonda a Londres le „Medical Prayer Union"; après la derniere guerre on en changea le nom et on I'appella le Christian Medical Fellowship". Sous la direction de plusieurs médecms émments et a c6té du travail d'évangelisation, ces reunions orgamserent chaque année une conference, etc.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1952

Orgaan CVNG Geloof en Wetenschap | 200 Pagina's

1952 Geloof en Wetenschap : Orgaan van de Christelijke vereeniging van natuur- en geneeskundigen in Nederland - pagina 156

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1952

Orgaan CVNG Geloof en Wetenschap | 200 Pagina's