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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 18

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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 18

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Pantheisin's Destrvctin of Boiuidai watcljers of

boundary of the "Mount"),


example of the


late Ihering.

admiration of his talents






are second to



shown by the none



not be concealed that Iher-


evolutionist. Being himself no natural j)hih)Sopher, he withholds an oi)inion on Darwinism, but definitely declares "that the result whicii he has reached in his studies of lawestablishes it most firmly in my profession," The "sense of right has grown with him to be eternal, since everything' which comes into being is devoted to destruction." And this eternal process is continued of necessity' by evolution, which evolution begins in the brute creation ; for, writes lie, " By the same

necessity under which, according to Darwin's theory, one species




pantheistic sense,

from another does the one end of justice another," and then adds, in an altogether

origin in


"Right knows

as h'ttle of a break as nature;

which goes before must first exist, before that whicli is higlier, of course by evolution, can follow after," He docs not deny, therefore, the existence of God, In his preface lie even derives the "purpose" which explains to him cveiything from a conscious God. But Avith him, as with all evolutionary theists, this is none other to him than an x for thip, to him, unknown greatness, of whose authority he rids himself According to Ihering, the sense of right in every concrete case. is not innate, but only "begotten in us" by the evolution of that


Christian ethics, whicli


holds to eternal principles,

condemns because of this clinging to the absolute and when rightly he ])rotcsts against the separation which snatches right from its moral basis, and traces for himself the origin of moral life, he represents tliis moral life as produced by the " jmrpose," which is again the process of endless generation. "Wlicn the lie

question it



put, "

and renders

affirms that "


Who is the subject of this purpose, who ordains real


?" then theism


not the



again abandoned, and he

purpose of morality



end and purpose of ethics is society," Whether or not God is still spoken of in the Gnostic sense as "a final end of morality," with this interpretation the Christian ground is entirely deserted. The fulfillment of man's being i?, looked for in "self becoming one's Own end," and whatever has the insolence to attack him in the holy temple of that ideal is treated with contempt. Faith is put in Michael Kohlhaas, who, in Yon Ivleist's

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's

Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 18

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's