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Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 147

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Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 147

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

GERRITSEN, J. en C. MACLEAN NMR spectra of partially oriented mono- and In: Recueil, 91 (1972) 1393.


GOOIJER, C. en T. G. J. J. BLEKEMOLEN Effects of anomalous relaxation in the ESR spectra ofNa pyrazine in DME. In: Chemical Physics Letters, 15(1973) 280. GOOIJER, C. en T. G. J. J. BLEKEMOLEN New interpretation of the ESR spectra of Li pyrazine in THE. In: Chemical Physics Letters, 19 (1973) 284. GOOIJER, C , N . H. VELTHORST en C. MACLEAN The electron spin density at the alkali nucleus in radical ion pairs of nitrogen containing aromatic molecules and sodium. In: Molecular Physics, 24 (1972) 1361-1371. HILBERS, C. W., J. BIEMOND en C. MACLEAN NMR study of induced dielectric alignment in pure and binary liquids. In: Pure and Applied Chemistry, 5s (1972) 197. HILBERS, C. W. en C. MACLEAN NMR of molecules oriented in electric fields. In: N M R - Basic Principles and Progress, 7 (197a) JONG, J. D E Zero-field splitting of methyl-substituted phosphorescent triplet states. In: Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 9 (1973) 185-189.

aromatic molecules in their lowest

GROOT, M. S. DE, C. A. D E LANGE en A. A. MONSTER '^Forbidden" electron resonance transitions in thermally produced halogen atoms. In: Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 10 (1973) 51-57. KIEVIET, W. D E en C. A. D E L A N G E The NMR spectra of ortho, met a and para dicyano benzene in a nematic solvent. In: Chemical Physics Letters, ss (1973) 378. OTTER, G. J. DEN, J. GERRITSEN en C. MACLEAN NMR spectra of meta-difluorobenzene in nematic solvents: molecular geometry and anisotropy of the indirect fluorine-fluorine coupling. In: Journal of Molecular Structure, iff (1973) 379-387. OTTER, G. J. D E N en C. MACLEAN Fluorine chemical shift anisotropy in 1 ,t-difluoroethene. In: Chemical Physics Letters, so (1973) 30B. 145

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1972

Jaarboeken | 216 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 147

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1972

Jaarboeken | 216 Pagina's