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Jaarboek 1979-1980 - pagina 91

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Jaarboek 1979-1980 - pagina 91

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12 december 1979 Dr. H.J. Braun, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, B.R.D., over: 'Innovations in Gas-Lighting and Electric Lighting in Germany, 1860-1914. Prof.dr. R. Randolph, Universidade Santos Dumont, Brazilië, over: 'Appropriate Technology: Robots in Brazil and Handicrafts in Europe? An empirical analysis of socio-economic conditions and the consequences of its application'. Dr. S.A. Shapin, University of Edinburgh, Groot Brittanië, over: 'Social Conflict and Cultural Change in Science: a case-study from 18th century English natural philosophy'. 13 december 1979 Prof. G.L. Geison, Princeton University, U.S.A., over: 'Innovation, Success and Failure in the Research School: Soundings from the Social History of Science. Dr. H.M. Collins, University of Bath, Groot Brittanië, over: 'The place of the core-set in modern science: social contigency with methodological propriety in discovery'. Prof. F.L. Holmes, Yale University, U.S.A., over: 'The fine structure of scientific creativity'. Prof. H.E. Gruber, Rutgers University, U.S.A., over: 'On the relation between 'Aha experiences' and the construction of ideas, as illustrated in casestudies of scientific thought'. 14 december 1979. Dr. E.V. Barker, London School of Economics and Political Science, Groot Brittanië, over: 'Beyond through science: an investigation of some consequences for religious knowledge of living in an age of science'. 89

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1979

Jaarboeken | 132 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1979-1980 - pagina 91

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1979

Jaarboeken | 132 Pagina's