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Jaarboek 1985-1986 - pagina 178

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Jaarboek 1985-1986 - pagina 178

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

6-11-85 C.J. Heij

Comparative ecology of the house sparrow 'Passer domesticus' in rural, suburban and urban situations

6-11-85 G.M. Janssen

On the genetical ecology of springtails

14-11-85 mw. F.A. Galea-Alvarez

Biostratigraphy and depositional environment of the Santa Anita Group

14-11-85 J.J.C. Meyer

Programming calculi based on fixed point transformations: semantics and applications

21-11-85 mw. F.C. van Duyl

Foundation for scientific research in Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles atlas of the living reefs of Curasao and Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles)

3-12-85 H.G. Muller (cum laude)

Photoionisation of atoms in strong radiation fields

11-12-85 B.H. Post

High resolution studies of the odd-parity 6 snp and 6 snf Rydberg series of neutral barium

12-12-85 H.D. Gaisser

The role of copper in the mode of action of 2,2'-bipyridyl analogues with antimycoplasmal activity - a (Q)SAR study

19-12-85 H.C. Gerritsen

Dynamic probing of surfaces and thin foils with electrons and X-rays

30- 1-86 W.Th. Kok

Electrochemical reaction techniques for detection in HPLC

6- 2-86 L.W. Jenneskens

Small cyclophanes; aromaticity under strain

27- 2-86 W.K. Boehmer

Flow to wells in intrusive dikes

27- 2-86 J. Boonstra

Flow to wells in intrusive dikes

17- 4-86 J.H. van Boxel

Heat balance investigations in tidal areas


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1985

Jaarboeken | 184 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1985-1986 - pagina 178

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1985

Jaarboeken | 184 Pagina's