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1960 Geloof en Wetenschap : Orgaan van de Christelijke vereeniging van natuur- en geneeskundigen in Nederland - pagina 163

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten





Tot de buitenlandse verenigingen die in onze kring niet de belangstelling ontvangen die zij verdienen, behoort zonder twijfel de Engelse R.S.C.F., waarvan het secretariaat te Londen is gevestigd. Ook is het in onze vereniging niet algemeen bekend, dat een van onze leden, prof. R. Hooykaas van de Vrije Universiteit, in de arbeid van deze zustervereniging een werkzaam aandeel heeft. We nemen daarom gaarne enige alinea's over uit een circulaire van de R.S.C.F., die we ontvingen. Zij is getekend door John Bunton, chairman. The next London Quarterly Meeting is fixed for Wednesday, 1st June when two members of the Group will introduce a discussion based on the new R.S.C.F. monograph by Prof. R. Hooykaas 'The Christian A p proach in Teaching Science'. The arrangements have been altered in that the meeting will be in the Research Students' Common Room at Bedford College, Regents Park, N. 1., and those attending can have an excellent buffet supper in the Dining Room at 6.30 p.m. for 3/—. Coffee at 7.00 p.m. in the room where we meet. The September Conference will be held at Reid Hall, which is one of the halls of residence in the main building of Bedford College, on Saturday, 24th September, 1960, starting at 9.30 a.m. and lasting until about 6.00 p.m. ^""ffÏR The subject this year is 'The Christian View of the Practice of Science'. We are most fortunate in that Professor Hooykaas has agreed to be with us once more and to give one of the papers. Those who met h i m i n t h e p a s t will know how much he has contributed to the discussions as well as in his more formal papers. The following papers will be circulated in duplicated form before the Conference to all who indicate that they hope to be present. At the Conference the authors will be given about ten minutes to introduce their papers, which will be 'taken as read', and the rest of the time will then be given to discussion. The Christian View of the Practice of Science. Paper I.

'The Scientific Method and the Dangers and Values of being a Scientist' by the Edinburgh R.S.C.F. Group.

Paper II.

'The Christian View of Science' by Prof. R. Hooykaas.

Paper III. 'Moral Responsibilities of the Scientist' by the Cambridge R.S.C.F. Group.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1960

Orgaan CVNG Geloof en Wetenschap | 304 Pagina's

1960 Geloof en Wetenschap : Orgaan van de Christelijke vereeniging van natuur- en geneeskundigen in Nederland - pagina 163

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1960

Orgaan CVNG Geloof en Wetenschap | 304 Pagina's