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Het fysiologisch labaratorium VU/VUmc - pagina 50

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Het fysiologisch labaratorium VU/VUmc - pagina 50

Feiten en gebeurtenissen 1950-2005

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Het Fysiologisch Laboratorium VU/VUmc

R.R. Lamberts 25-6-2001 Interaction between coronary circulation and cardiac mus-

cle; a physicochemlcai approach.oxide.

W.J. van Rodijnen 23-1-2002 Renal microvascular actions of angiotensin II.

W. deRuijter 29-1-2003 Study of inotropic and cardioprotective effects of general

anesthetics in the isolated heart muscle.

mw A.E. Schiel 6-6-2003 The role of thyroid hormones and thyroid hormone meta-

bolism in cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure.

mw M.L.M. Lieuw-a-Fa 6-10-2004 Endothelium and diabetes; in vitro and in vivo studies on

the role of extracellular advanced glycation endproducts

and endothelial activation.

E.C. Eringa 1-12-2004 Selective insulin resistance in the microcirculation; a new

concept for studying microvascular function and insulin


M.E. van Teijlingen 23-3-2005 Effects of hemodialysis on granulocyte adhesion.

R. Vlasblom 8-2-2006 Myocardial SERCA2a transcription regulation; a balance

between contradiction- and calcium-dependent signalling.

R.A. Bouwman 20-9-2006 Volatile anesthetics and the heart; mechanisms of sevoflu-

rane-induced cardioprotection.

mw M.H. Troost-Roos 17-10-2006 Determinants of renal microvascular reactivity in rat mo-

dels of diabetes mellitus and obesity.

mw N.A. Narolska 30-10-2006 Effect of contractile protein alterations on cardiac myofila-

ment function in human heart failure.

mw A.H.C. Canas Cuimaraes 3-11-2006 Modulation of the plasminogen system by thrombin activa-

table fibrinolysis inhibitor.

H.RJ. Buermans 13-2-2007 Adaptive and maladaptive myocardial remodelling due to

pressure overload do not evolve from a common hyper-

trophy precursor stage; characterization of ventricular pro-

teome amd transcriptome profiles.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 2007

Publicaties VU-geschiedenis | 52 Pagina's

Het fysiologisch labaratorium VU/VUmc - pagina 50

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 2007

Publicaties VU-geschiedenis | 52 Pagina's