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Studentenalmanak 1903 - pagina 132

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Studentenalmanak 1903 - pagina 132

1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten


i^ know a httle, lovely place,

^J All shadowed by a tree.

I use to sit there all alone,

And nobody with me.

I dream there of my former days,

So happy and so glad.

Of father, mother, home and friends;

But now I am so sad.

I dream there of the childish games

The games I used to play;

But father went and mother went.

And now 't is all away.

And thinking so, I'm shedding tears

Of loneliness and lack.

And longing for the happy times

Which never will come back.

Again I'm sitting on that place

But I teal sad no more.

For joy it is to know, I am

Not lonely as before.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1903

Studentenalmanak | 162 Pagina's

Studentenalmanak 1903 - pagina 132

Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1903

Studentenalmanak | 162 Pagina's