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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 33

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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 33

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten



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A gi-eat danger lui-ks in this for, however eloquently the boundary has been reasoned away between the authorities who rule and the peo]>lc who must obey, that duality does exist, a duality from which of necessity is born a twofold strife, the strife of the State evermore to increase its power over the peol>le, and the strife on the part of the people to make themselves Absolutism from one side and anarchy masters over the State. from the other stare us in the face and the (juestion lias already been raised whether constitutional public law has not served its time, and whether tlic parliamentary system has not outlived The next step is to found upon the ruins of our its usefulness. civil liberty the government of Schleiermachcr's virtuosos, that is, of those who are learned and genial a repetition of our old rcgent's-misery, clothed this time in the scientilic garl). But against this, of course, the people rebel. The boundaries have been destroyed why then longer render homage to him who is high and declare those who arc low politically under age ? Are not rich and poor an antithesis, which, since all boundaries have been effaced, offensively disturbs your much-lauded harmony ? Why I'ender obedience, when authority finds no more sujiport in the conscience and right is no longer founded upon eternal principles? Power has its rise in the State, and we are the people we, the millions, constitute the State ; hence ours is the power, the power also to recreate the right, and we will enact that right in such a form as shall satisfy all our senses. And what can you do, yo mighty ones of earth, ye that extol in song the State-apotheosis, how oppose this wild cry of nihilism ? I3y the conscience ? But that you have disjointed. ])y the moral senses? But these you have set afloat. By the fear of the final judgment? At this you scoff yourselves. By the majesty of law ? This you have violated. By the influence of the Church ? This you have destroyed. Xo, nothing, nothing remains to you but your power. Upon actual, positive power your entire building has been raised. And with your j)ower you may still offer resistance for a long time, for your forces are stronger than ever (and fearful havoc they may create) but woe unto you when in the end this poison begins to work among your armies and as a cancer feeds upon their vitals. For ;




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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's

Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 33

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's