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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 29

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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 29

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Mdliodist Review. uistunce, a


nor is






with hiinself, then thousand forms will

this abyss

spoken of which with


blood upon this iutinite void. But they forget that all poetry, to find its symbols, must start from the antithesis which exists

and the natural. And therefore look at those who now occupy the seats upon Parnassus, where Vondel once shone, and Bilderdijlc won his laurels, and M'here Da Against this mystic ])oetry Costa lost himself in worship. llerbart wrote: "The concept of God as the Father of men

between the


should be retained in ce])t


do not in

worthless satirize



our age





an idea ;


purely theoretical cou-

bare of comfort."


far exceeds the age that


However, we it, and went before it.

has infinitely enriched

There are many worthy people now, many lovable people, who do not wear the purple, but who constantly remind us of it but we miss the ])owerful figures, the great men, the stars of first magnitude. How have the stars, like those in Leyden, been extinguished one after another! Who is Caprivi compared with Yon Bismarck? "When Gladstone dies who will succeed him ? Alas the dynamic weakening can no longer be denied. Ejngonoi have taken the places of heroes, and at their feet crowd the multitudes weary of life, whose satiety betrays itself in the dullness of their eyes. See how listlessness stares us in the face; how suicide attracts; how the number of our insane is ever on the increase. And when we think how this century began with placing man on a pedestal, higher than ever before, and how in closing -it leaves him behind so weary of life, then does not this century seem like the soap bubble which glittered in the light as the boy blew it out on the air, but which, as he blew too hard, condensed into one unsightly droj)? ;


Euroj)e has twice

once under


known such

})eriods of spiritual atrophy,

and again

at the close of the Middle and both times the Church of Christ caught the paralytic by the hand and lifted him up so that ]»e walked and life once more coursed freely through his veins. Hence the question arises. Will the Church of Christ be able to do this again? And is there no cause for fncreasing anxiety when, by this blurring and eventual destruction of boundaries, we see the Church of Christ inwardly ebbing away lier life and outwanlly ivduced to an ever-narrower ecclcsiasticism ? If there is one




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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's

Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 29

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's