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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 9

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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 9

1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten


Methodist Review.

Three motives siniultimcously impelled our tion




overwhc'huin<^ t'cehng of power,


excellence, together witri

riches uf nature. it






a<^e in this direc-

ex;i^<^erated sense


into the

In comparison with the age whicli preceded like a Titan,


carries everything

on his

broad shoulder, storms the heavens, and cannot rest until eveiyBy thing has been put in a new, that is, a modern, form.

overwhelming feeling of power its sons have been aroused and exaggerated sense of human excellence. In its thought man is both alpha and omega an anthropoa worshi]) first of the ideal theism, as some have named it human, and then of self, however cynically deep this brutal an Ego-theism which self may have sunk below the human extends to its most repulsive consequence. In the intoxication this

to an impassioned




with his exceedit under foot, and ever since has led it about behind the triumphal car And these three motives of his science and of his materiality. taken together, that feeling of infinite power, that sense of selfesteem, and that alliance into which the spirit of man has entered with the spirit of nature, even without the mention of of his passionate self-esteem

cast himself

ing power upon defenseless nature, and he has put

more satanic or lower motives, entirely explain the pantheistic keynote of our age. Hence it was spoken none too boldly when, according to the several sympathies, pantheism was praised as the "favorite sypteni " of our age, or condemned as the " Iladikalhajresie " which now lifts its head or when an English pantheist boastfully asserted that at least ninety out of every hundred scholars of to-day were pantheists, either ;

openly or in secret.

Let no one think, however, that we assert that philosophic still sways its scepter in the schools of philosophy

])antheism for,

with Haley excepted, the opposite rather




has long been dethroned, and with this the luxurious growth of systematic pantheism has


to a standstill.

beholds her lecture-halls deserted.



Philosophy groan on

every liand under her Ahgelebtheit, senility, and spiritual l)otence.




appear no more, as Erdflooded with " Philosojihie-


the market is Spencer has already exalted agnosticism into The long-forg(^ttcn Ilerbart is now conceded to



a system.


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's

Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 9

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's