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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 19

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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 19

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Methodist Review.

And when we are draws the sword against society. exclaims in his SerChrist taught, "Rather suffer wrong," and away thy coat, let him "If any man take mon on the jSIoimt, which beapathy, this also,'' Ihcring rejects as have thy cloak iiovi.'I,


how blunt and weak the sense of among the citizens by

jirovokes strife suffer





and he

exhorting them never to

go unpunished. Hence, if merely our Christian, but even IIer«

jirivate life to

his theory triumphs, not hart's system,

right has


in a

more Christian way makes right


be born from the {esthetic thirst after peace, must pass under the juridical ban.

For then


will not bo,

"Blessed are the

who as a fighting-cock And when an heros like Ihering

peace makers,'' but "Blessed every one flies in

a passion for his right."

what may be looked for at the hands of lesser gods ? what extent the influence of this pantheistic tendency and of the evolution theory which has become its Credo has effaced, one by one, all formei'ly recognized boundaries, must we thread our way across the entire domain of cosmic phenomena and the still broader field of sciences? This is not necessary. Here also " the lion may be known by its claws." And it is quite sufficient for the question in hand that the chief boundary lines which have become Ijlurred be noted, and that as theologians we halt a little longer at the boundary removal teaches thus,

To show


on theoloiric c;rounds.


the blurrin<i: of boundaries begins

Beal boundaries, such as between man and woman, are not to be

of necessity in our senses and ideas. exist, for instance,



It is as true of

philosophy as of the English Par-

liament that "it can do ever^-thing excej)t making a



woman." And though a l)i-illiant scholar, whose oratory has more tlum once delighted ns, once stoutly prophesied that, like the diabolic love of unnature, so also the divinely innate love

between man and woman

shall extinguish its torch, we venamong our own contemporaries, or yet among younger generation, we have ever discovered the slightest

ture to(l(!ny that


decrease of this natural love.


])endcnt of our thought, exist in real is

never reconcilable with


tl;c life,

boundaries which, indeare immoval)le.


IIcMice an erasure of boundaries

can be spoken of only in our representation, in our senses and ideas; and of these ideas Thihj complains none too strongly that " Finally, all concepts lose themselves in each other amid

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's

Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 19

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's