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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 214

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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 214

..verzameld ter gelegenheid van haar honderddertigjarig bestaan op 20 oktober 2010 in opdracht van de Historische Commissie Vrije Universiteit

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

promoties aard- en levenswetenschappen 1993-1995

214 25 mei 25 mei 27 mei 11 juni 14 juni 2 sept. 10 sept. 13 sept. 16 sept. 21 sept. 27 sept. 7 okt. 28 okt. 29 okt. 4 nov. 16 nov. 18 nov. 25 nov. 10 jan. 15 febr. 24 febr. 31 maart 5 april 5 april 13 april 25 april 3 mei 9 mei 16 mei 16 mei 17 mei 2 juni 9 juni 13 juni

Stuyfzand, P.J., Hydrochemistry and hydrology of the coastal dune area of the Western Netherlands Slootstra, J.W., Hormone-receptor binding: protein motifs and antisense peptides Harmens, H., Physiology of zinc tolerance in Silene vulgaris Dekker, A.G., Detection of optical water quality parameters for eutrophic waters by high resolution remote sensing Kleijne, A., Morphology, taxonomy and distribution of extant coccolithophorids (calcareous nannoplankton) Jelsma, H.A., Granites and greenstones in northern Zimbabwe: tectono-thermal evolution and source regions Jansen, C.E., Selectable cytoplasmic markers in tomato Willemsen, P.T.J., In search of receptors for enterotoxigenic E. Coli Peper, T., Tectonic control on the sedimentary record in foreland basins: inferences from quantitative subsidence analyses and stratigraphic modelling Gunadi, B., Decomposition and nutrient flow in a pine forest plantation in central Java Borst, J.G.G., GABA-ergic synaptic transmission in the pituitary gland of Xenopus laevis Zoetemeijer, B.P., Tectonic modelling of foreland basins: thin skinned thrusting, syntectonic sedimentation and lithospheric flexure Huits, H.S.M., Mutable genes and control of flower pigmentation in Petunia hybrida Burghouts, Th.B.A., Spatial heterogeneity of nutrient cycling in Bornean rain forest Hoekstra, J.A., Statistics in ecotoxicology: quantifying the biological effects of chemicals Lenssen, G.M., Response of C3 and C4 species from Dutch salt marshes to atmospheric CO2 enrichment Gucht, L.P.E. de, Growth and respiration in chemostat cultures of Petunia hybrida cell suspensions Spassova, M.I., Molecular basis of cytoplasmic male sterility in sunflower 1994 Teunissen, Y., Molecular-biological studies of growth and reproduction in the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis Hezewijk, M.J. van, Germination ecology of Orobanche crenata: implications for cultural control measures Knecht, J.A. de, Cadmium tolerance and phytochelatin production in Silene vulgaris Dobbe, I. Th. M., The geology and mineralizations of the Tunaberg area, SE Bergslagen, Sweden Saager, P.M., On the relationships between dissolved trace metals and nutrients in seawater: implications for the use of cadmium as a paleoceanographic tracer Verdoes, J.C., Molecular genetic studies of the overproduction of glucoamylase in Aspergillus Niger Kater, M.M., Structure, function and expression of plant and bacterial enoyl-ACP reductase genes Bakels, R.H.A., Activation of cyanobacterial H+-ATP synthase Emmerik, W.A.M. van, Energy metabolism of Petunia hybrida cell suspensions Blokland, H.J.M. van, Trans-inactivation of flower pigmentation genes in Petunia Hybrida Meinardi, C.R., Groundwater recharge and travel times in the sandy regions of the Netherlands Lange, P. de, Gene suppression in Petunia hybrida by antisense genes Wees, J.D.A.M. van, Tectonic modelling of basin deformation and inversion dynamics: the role of pre-existing faults and continental lithosphere rheology in basin evolution Dam, M.A.C., The late Quaternary evolution of the Bandung basin, West-Java, Indonesia Bergen, C.W.M. van den, Regulation of respiration in plant mitochondria Koe, T. de, Arsenic resistance in submediterranean Agrostis species

04 Promoties 08 FALW.indd 214

26-8-2010 20:54:44

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's

Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 214

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's